Contrastive Grammar published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
contrastive linguistics can be regarded as a bran...
. a. . ‘double’ interface in . L2 . / . L3....
Hierarchy Theory. Introduction. Monday 26 October ...
gutmannhelsinki Dept of Mathematics Statistics De...
[p’, t’, k’, ʧ’]. Are always voiceless. ...
using . classroom hours effectively. Pedagogical ...
Deep Learning for Medical Applications (IN2107). S...
phonemes Contrastive vs noncontrastive Phonolog...
What is CD and why do we need it Imagine that we ...
With its largel y descriptive focus contrastive l...
Despite CDs empirical success little is known abo...
Esposito Department of Linguistics Macalester Col...
The case of hearsay adverbs. 'Re-thinking . synon...
For helpful discussion of some of the ideas appea...
Indexing, N o te: See the assignment at the end! ...
AbstractThis is a contrastive linguistic study the...
Mona al-. ghamdi. . Acquisition. is the subcons...
A. ssisted . L. istening and . S. peaking . T. ut...
Volker Gast 1 The subject matter of contrastive li...
Classroom. By. . Rebecca Torres Valdovinos. My S...
marking . by. . possessive. . Agr. . in. . H...
The . Syllable . Structure. Ling 308-131. Prepare...
Ramona . Benítez. . Carbajal. Centro de . Idiom...
marking . by. . possessive. . Agr. . in. . H...
R. hetoric: . Implications for the ESL Writing Cl...
. VOWELS. Orientation on . Challenging . S. oun...
Classroom. By. . Rebecca Torres Valdovinos. My S...
Shanna Williams. Visual Representations. of Cult...
Place features. What is status of [f] and [Φ]?. ...
and noun . and verb tone . melodies. Perhaps the ...
Nasals, approximants, vowels. Voice. Sonorants ar...
Maja. . Brala-Vukanović. Rijeka University. , C...
Maja. . Brala-Vukanović. Rijeka University. , C...
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