Cms Cern published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
correlations. in heavy-ion collisions. Peter Hri...
testbeam. . at . SPS . H8. 27 . sep. – 03 . o...
GigaTracKer. Hybrid Module Manufacturing. Fraunh...
and Final Focus Stabilisation. CERN, 27-Mar-2009...
M. Sapinski. Emittance. meeting, CERN. 2012.11.2...
Hubert Niewiadomski. CERN. , . on behalf of the ....
RunControl. Nicolas Lurkin. School of Physics and...
an R&D Partnership . Bill Jonhson,. Director ...
21. Al with resonance elastic and inelastic scatt...
Software Access Anywhere. Dan Bradley . dan@hep.w...
M. . Stachura. . on behalf . of. . the. VITO ....
Angela Zhang. 7/11/14. Theory of Relativity. Fast...
. for. A. utomated. D. ata. . A. nalysis (. I...
Abuse, Blunder & Fun. About “Computer Secur...
issues. J.M. Jimenez. Main Topics. Introduction. ...
Anders Korsback, Jorge Giner . Navaro. , Robin Ra...
Status. L. Bottura and C. . Senatore. . on behal...
Third in a series of FP6/7 IAs on Accelerator R&a...
Jianyi Jiang,. Maxime Matras, Natanette Craig, Er...
27 – 29 SEPTEMBER 2013. ATLAS ACTIVITIES. Point...
Elementary cross section. 2015/7/9. Toshiyuki Gog...
April Global Run: 7 – 11 April. Last run with ...
DEFT. Maxim Potekhin. BNL. Sep 03. , . 2013. 1. A...
Effort at CERN. Operational Tasks. Cost Sharing a...
Project. Status Report. Y. Kadi . for. . the. H...
Agile Infrastructure Project:. Introduction. Helg...
Mark Jones . EN\MEF-SU. Outline. Introduction. C...
9. th. March 2011. Building 42. Mobility and Tr...
Design. , Supply of Ventilation Units and Smoke E...
Aida WP 9.2. Rui. De Oliveira. CERN have invest...
Aida fund. Transfer to industry. Rui. De Oliveir...
Cryogenics. 63. th. . EHN1 Cryogenics Integratio...
Run . Coordinator. Shift Guide. Updated on . 26.0...
Theodoros . Theodoropoulos. Library and Informati...
Lecture : Particle Interactions with Matter. Vers...
. Opportunities. and . Diversity. Doris Chromek...
. Commissioning status. Christos Zamantzas on be...
Mariusz Sapinski, CERN BE/BI. Outlook. High-brigh...
Components not funded by EMI. InfoProviders. : . ...
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