Cern Valuch published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Progress. CERN (Alban Sublet). INFN (Cristian . Pi...
#3 CERN SRF . Workshop, 31. . May . – 1 June‘...
11/11/2019. Mathieu . Saccani. Link to the . Indic...
Hélène Mainaud Durand. Mini-revue des activités...
CERN, 16-26 January 2017 (chair & main organiz...
Hans Peter Beck. : IPPOG Co-chair, Bern University...
No.13). 27/01/16. David Mcfarlane. EN-MEF D.Mcfarl...
From the . xrootd. and . Scalla. perspective. In...
with a Remote Repository. Lillian Huang. IT-ST-FDO...
boxes . repairs . – post LS1 summary. CRG-TM –...
Alberto Pace. Group photo. Now !. Who is Alberto P...
M. G. Pia. 1. , T. Basaglia. 2. , Z. W. Bell....
LHCb. . Velo. CERN. . 240µm. 260µm. LETI3S ....
Chiara Mariotti INFN-. Torino. I . rivelatori. ...
Andrea Valassi (IT-DI-LCG). WLCG GDB – 9. th. N...
on. CERN-LNL-STFC collaboration KE2722/BE/FCC. 3. ...
0. Accelerators for neutrino physics:. The Beta. ...
BIS s. oftware . layers. at CERN. Maxime Audrain....
Boda. Franek. CERN April 2011. Class inheritan...
BaWü. ”) . Technische. . Studierenden. . Prog...
experiment. 3rd Control System Cyber-Security Work...
Exhibition . in Alexandria . Library-Egypt. Samah....
CIEMAT: . AC structures and Dipoles magnets. CELL...
G. . Iadarola. , G. . Rumolo. Thanks to:. F. Zimme...
Geant4 toolkit & collaboration. J. Apostolakis...
of Fundamental Physics . and Applications (ASP). Z...
GitHub. Mathieu Benoit. Why use . Git. Git. , like...
SIMONE CAMPANA. (CERN). DOMA working groups: . TPC...
1. 14-May-14. Givi Sekhniaidze. 2. M. echanical . ...
Consulente adlatus. . Benvenuti dove …. La nasc...
N.Biancacci. , . F.Caspers. , . A.Kurtulus. . C.A...
⇒ phase space density (small emittance) vs. low ...
(“. LHC@home. enhancement”). openlab. summer...
Greek . Teachers. Programme . 2017. Konstantinos ...
Soltan. Institute for Nuclear Studies POLAND. Sł...
M. . Citterio. . on behalf of INFN Milano and Uni...
Lehrerfortbildung. . Das Standardmodell der Teilc...
contribution”. U.Kose, M. Nessi, P. Sala. ICARUS...
Tuesday . 10. th. April . 2018 . Ricardo Gracian...
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