Cern Kek published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
P. lans !. Hans . Hagenes. . Bøe. Prototyping Tr...
Pu(. n,f. ) cross-section measurement. at EAR-2....
myCERN. WG. . – . 9. th. . May 2017. Mandate....
Logistics Study. Dr. Ulrike Beißert, Konstantin H...
. Workshop on Best Practices for Data Management &...
K. Hara. University of Tsukuba. Faculty of Pure a...
Norihito Ohuchi. 2009/10/27. 1. 22nd S1-G Webex m...
prepare . the . risk communication? . - Lessons ....
cryo. -payload system for the KAGRA detector. Rah...
he7sᜂ1Kog lᜊ51kgB0ᜂ/7...
Alexey Dubrovskiy. Examples#1 of RF breakdowns. 8...
M. Masuzawa, R. Sugahara and H. Yamaoka (KEK). Vi...
. and. 07 pairs at CYRIC. Nobu. U.. , Tony A.,...
Interpretation Book Clubs. Look over your notes. ...
BLIP Irradiation Planning VC Meeting 8. Ra. diati...
SVD DAQ 25 Jan 2011 Belle2 DAQ meeting @Beijing ...
presented. . by. . M. Aicheler . CLIC ACCELERATI...
Shogo Sakanaka. for the ERL development team. Pres...
Takao . Sakaguchi. Brookhaven National Laboratory....
The . Physics & Detectors Advisory Panel (PDAP...
1 Dinka W ɛ r ɛ ŋ ë Yith 2 Yëŋ ŋää p c ɔ...
tested . at . Nextef. CLIC2014. 4 February 2014. T...
International Workshop on Breakdown Science and Hi...
on Cavity Integration. H. Hayano 01102012. GDE-SC...
T.Takahashi. Hiroshima University. 25 . Septemer....
Ryo Katayama. KEK CASA. Introduction. For TESLA-sh...
furnace. for. d. iffusion . bonding against . braz...
accelerating structure design. 21/10/2010. A.Grudi...
Neven Blaskovic Kraljevic / WP2. Neven Blaskovic K...
Hoecker CERN and WJ Mar ciano BNL The Dirac equat...
Cappi R Garoby CERN Geneva Switzerland Abstract Ma...
Garoby S Hancock JL Vallet CERN Geneva Switzerlan...
List 2 List 3 List 4 1. certain certifyconcernconc...
Preshower. for the CMS: BARC Participation . Ani...
Converters. Markus Friedl (HEPHY Vienna). B2GM, 1...
CERN Summer Student Lectures 2001Particle Detector...
Silvia Puddu – 13/06/2013. About me. Experiment...
Edda . Gschwendtner, CERN. Outline. Motivation. A...
(a personal selection). 1. Konrad Elsener, CLICdp...
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