Cern Ehn1 published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Proposal. Upgrade. 30/08/2012. sebastien.roussee...
CERN 904. RPC upgrade-meeting, . 04. .SEP.2013. D...
60 . years. . of. Science for . Peace. CERN, t...
1. , . C. Massimi. 2. , . F. Rocchi. 1. , N. Colo...
C3F8/water-glycol HX. Size 1: C3F8 Inlet Temp of ...
With the kind support of:. B. Mikulec, T. Bohl, B...
HEPiX Spring 2014, LAPP, Annecy. Alan Silverman (...
S. econd . P. eriod. Bob Jones, CERN. First Helix...
Status and Plans. Filimon. . Roukoutakis. CERN P...
Rui. de Oliveira on behalf of PCB workshop team....
EXALT: . Extreme Applications at the Limits of Te...
20 years later we got Drupal. . CERN’s perspect...
Plans and Reality. Tony Cass. Leader, Database Se...
Angela Zhang. 7/11/14. Theory of Relativity. Fast...
at CERN. Pascale Goy. HR-LD. Induction Programme....
computing in Geneva. 26. 8 CPU cores (login + bat...
at. CERN. Thomas Baron. 4th . June. 2012. CERN ...
Laura E. Stewart. CERN Cryogenics Group. The GSI ...
. Emanuele Piemonti Spalazzi & Gaetan Richau...
649 as alternative to C6F14 for single-phase coo...
A. Kulesza, Squark and gluino production at hadro...
TE/MPE TM 20.06.2013. On behalf of MPE/MS softwar...
Ian Bird; . WLCG MB. 18. th. January 2011. March...
D. iscussion and the Way . F. orward. Helge Meinh...
A. re we there. yet?. . Marek Denis. CERN . ope...
CER tlca Th - Ove A A versar Round-tabl A (Photo ...
correlations. in heavy-ion collisions. Peter Hri...
testbeam. . at . SPS . H8. 27 . sep. – 03 . o...
M. Sapinski. Emittance. meeting, CERN. 2012.11.2...
21. Al with resonance elastic and inelastic scatt...
. for. A. utomated. D. ata. . A. nalysis (. I...
Angela Zhang. 7/11/14. Theory of Relativity. Fast...
Third in a series of FP6/7 IAs on Accelerator R&a...
issues. J.M. Jimenez. Main Topics. Introduction. ...
9. th. March 2011. Building 42. Mobility and Tr...
Mark Jones . EN\MEF-SU. Outline. Introduction. C...
Aida WP 9.2. Rui. De Oliveira. CERN have invest...
Aida fund. Transfer to industry. Rui. De Oliveir...
Run . Coordinator. Shift Guide. Updated on . 26.0...
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