Category Tweets published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Trust and Privacy . in Anonymous Online Communiti...
scientific . papers and researchers on . Twitter:...
Analyzing Tweets for Real-Time Event Detection. T...
M. Tech Project Presentation . By :. Pranay. . ...
Politeness . and . Likeability. . Navita. Jain....
Twitter . A Behavioral Modeling . Approach. Ashwi...
Rui. Li, . Shengjie. Wang, Kevin Chen-. chuan....
Events. . -. The . Superstorm. Sandy Beta Test....
digitales. Análisis de redes sociales online y m...
Jennifer Golbeck. Human-Computer Interaction Lab....
o. n Twitter for a . L. ocal . C. ity. http://iee...
class. on the applications, implications and tec...
Dynamic Spectrum Sensing for Android Devices. Mic...
Can . Social Data . replace the following?. Panel...
Politeness . and . Likeability. . Navita. Jain....
“Engagements CAN be short & sweet. !”. Ia...
Misleading or Falsification? Inferring Deceptive ...
Saket. . vishwasrao. Swapna . thorve. May 3, ...
Maria Glenski. †. and Svitlana Volkova . Data...
Office of Digital Learning. Patti Wit, S.T.A.T. T...
:. Analyzing Tweets for Real-Time Event Detection...
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universi...
Office of Digital Learning. Patti Wit, S.T.A.T. T...
Twitter Facebook Pages Snap...
Concepts. : a tool for collaboration, evolution o...
“. tweets. .”. Created in 2006. 313 million a...
Named Entity Recognition in Tweets: TwitterNLP Lu...
Tempering populist rhetoric for the online brand o...
Aditya . Joshi. IITB-. Monash. Research Academy. ...
Matt Williams. . & Luke Sloan. Pete . Burnap,...
News. Top-k Publish-Subscribe for . Social Annotat...
By: Andrea DeMaio. Overview. This Twitter Tutorial...
A Behavioral Modeling . Approach. Ashwin. . Rajad...
Is engagement a substitute for efficacy?. Travis H...
Twitter is producing millions of tweets every minu...
Alan Ritter. Mausam. , Oren . Etzioni. , Sam Clark...
What are the . sensory properties . of my product...
Prafulla Dawadi. Topics in Machine Learning. Outl...
Theory. Mohammed Al-. Thagafi. Samuel . Eilenberg...
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