Bunch Turn published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Guyer. High School. Denton, TX. BULL!!. Wei. Sim...
Yichen Ji. Table of content. SEY measurement and ...
How are Organelle and analogous parts similar?. E...
– Joint Fermi / Imperial . FERMILAB. 1. 1/Mar/...
Bruiser. . by Neal . Shusterman. Group Leader- M...
平岩 聡彦. 阪. 大. RCNP. o. n behalf of t...
Brookhaven National Laboratory. 6/15/2015. 1. IEB...
High Brilliance Beam Diagnostics A. Cianchi Uni...
That’s a bunch of Bridget Matamoros Guyer High...
Sergey Antipov, The University of Chicago Advisor...
Chris Bunch – LION Managing Editor Sanjeev Ahuj...
Radiation Backgrounds for Future High Energy Elec...
Engelsina. became a minor celebrity, but her par...
D. uring . C. omposition of Oil . P. alm Empty . F...
. R. Bruce, S. . Redaelli. , B. . Salvachua. G. Va...
ADT Transverse Feedback & Gap Cleaning. Readin...
hh. 10/8/2015. FCC-hh RF and Transverse Feedback S...
with BPTX. Using scope and . LHCb. BPIM . boards ...
Yes! At the the beginning of 2016 the beam was uns...
Session 5: “High Intensity: Present and Future...
Jiquan . Guo. EIC Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Oct ...
programme at . Daresbury Lab. . Y. Saveliev. , T. ...
Tuning the beam (from Andy’s slides). SLAC can p...
Montreux, 20-22 January 2020. Upgrade . beyond bas...
FB. Stefania Papadopoulou, Fanouria Antoniou, Yann...
Multi-objective Optimization of the . Matching Bea...
A. Gallo. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. L...
[+ several students including S. Hedges] (LBNL). E...
Mauro Pivi CERN/SLAC. CLIC Collabortion Meeting CE...
ECE at SPS and LHC. Hofle. CERN BE-RF-FB. o. n beh...
Director of ASTeC, STFC. E. lectron . M. odel for ...
. Beamline. @ IRIDE. E. . Chiadroni. . (LNF-INFN...
Frank Zimmermann. HL-LHC/LIU brainstorming . Jiva....
Thirty Years of Collaboration. JLC/NLC/ILC. Gregor...
Wakefield issues). ATF TB Mtg. 201502. K.Kubo. Int...
J. Wu. FEL Physics Group. Beam Physics Department....
Intra-beam . Scattering. Mauro Pivi, MedAustron - ...
Louise Cowie . on behalf of the XARA team at Dares...
Keju and the Management of a Large Group of Unrel...
CIRSION 2015RODAtraditionalists and the most tradi...
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