Brian Harp published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Jordan JORDAN EECS BERKELEY EDU Departments of EE...
Hellerstein UC Berkeley Caleb Welton Greenplum AB...
The total pelt value for 2012 13 was estimated at...
Brian Byers has successfully represented a great m...
Brian Byers has successfully represented a great m...
com Kush R Varshney IBM Research Yorktown Heights ...
Nosek and Mahzarin R Banaji Yale University Antho...
However while previous research has shown that th...
Co Founder of a ministry to Single Single Again ...
httpwwwcircinfonet Brian Morris DSc PhD httpwwwci...
This co mpany was founded by two young men Carl S...
Kernighan Bell Laboratories Murray Hill N J 1 Int...
Co Founder of a ministry to Single Single Again ...
Many people worry about the growth in our use of ...
A New Kind of Christianity more than any previou...
Until recently however the effects of creatine su...
Our framework makes use of two techniques primari...
Brian F Madigan and William R Nelson of the Board...
uclaedu Abstract We present an approach to determi...
Tsai and Brian Knutson Stanford University Helene...
Our goal is to develop a sensor array that will a...
b erk eley edu ttpwwwcsb erk eley edu milc Bhask a...
Brian Arthur Talk delivered at the Conference Ein...
Squyres Brian Barrett Andre Lumsdaine Open System...
A desirable set of properties for such algorithms...
Stirrer engine Agitation is one of the primary us...
Madasu Brian C Lovell M Hanmandlu School of ITE...
stanfo rdedu thrunstanfo rdedu Geo Gordon Center f...
This ap proach is based on the assumption that th...
P Horn and Brian G Rhunck Artificial Intelligence ...
Dally and Brian Towles Computer Systems Laborator...
Seitz University of Washington Washington Univers...
Ziebart Nathan Ratliff Garratt Gallagher Christop...
berkeleyedu First brie64258y discuss Hartshornes d...
Boyer Michael S Gibson and Mico Loretan NOTE Inte...
gov Bill Allcock Joe Bester John Bresnahan Steve T...
brPage 1br Aanensen Albert Goodwin Brian Northey I...
This paper explores the fundamental tradeoff betw...
a The character and cage shown in black at bindti...
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