Bili Biliary published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
years until Boyden's detailed work put an end to (...
46 Vol.7; Issue: 12; December 2017 International J...
40 hemoglobin dropped from 10 to 5.1g/dL. Nasogast...
2015 BMA Medical Book Awards 1st Prize Award Winne...
New in the Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pat...
Volume : 2 | Issue : 4 | April 2013 • ISSN No 22...
ice, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Ketter...
Echinococcus Granulosus is a parasitic organism th...
Gallbladder Disease Rebecca Kowalski, M.D. October...
Journal of Current Med ical And Applied S ciences,...
Gallbladder agenesis is a highly rare disease with...
103 /amm Case report UDC: 616.366 - 007 doi:10...
biliary tree in the body. Gallstone Disease: ... - night - i...
biliary tree in the body. Primary Sclerosing Chol...
2016, 4(1):2029-33. ISSN 2321-4287 2029 Origin...
Results and conclusions:Both groups HD and HJ had ...
SPECIAL Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy in Infancy Robe...
In hepatocellular disease, there is delayed cleara...
and Cholestatic liver diseases Ahsan M Bhatti MD,...
Sponsored by:. SAGES. AHPBA. IHPBA. SSAT. EAES. PI...
PRESENTED BY : . Hawa-A-Elbarghthi. Marwa-A- . Elf...
Patterns of liver injury . Ballooning degeneration...
begum. Types of gall stone. Cholesterol. Pigment ...
Biliary Tract Disease. . Omer. . Basar, MD...
BP602T. Pharmacology III. Appetite. Appetite is . ...
2. , H Morement. 1. , D Tataru. 3. , L Paley. 3. ...
An 8-year-old boy presents with three days histor...
65-year-old male who presented to the emergency de...
Ong. SY. , . Khoh. KM, Ng RT, Omar A, Lee WS. Di...
Michael A Silva. Consultant HPB Surgeon. Departmen...
Dr. . Raad. A. AL-. Harmoosh. Al-. Toosi. Univer...
Liver Care Network and Organ Care Research. Swedis...
Folfox. in second line advanced of biliary tract ...
. approach. ESDO Learning Bytes 2022. Yawen Dong ....
(LC)- related bile duct injuries.. Emad. . Hamdy....
CHOLECYSTITIS. Pathology and . pathogegenesis. of...
Ferran. 1. 1. August 2021, . Padova. , . Italy. BI...
By Dr. . Rafid. . Majeed. . Naeem. . Alkhalifa....
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