Beams Mev published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Workshop on Precision Physics and Fundamental Con...
108-112. Ru and . 104-108. Mo isotopes. Juho. . ...
Brian Hartsell. DPA and Gas Production in Tungste...
March 29-30, 2016. Preservation of Magnetized Bea...
Significance and Impact. The greater understandin...
2. . and 2. . Rotational Bands in Deformed Nu...
(ongoing work with R. S. Azevedo and Prof. Bira v...
on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration. Workshop ...
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. February 1...
Darshana Wickramaratne. 1. , Y. . Alaskar. 2,3. ,...
Derek A. Wann. University of Edinburgh. Workshop ...
Inverted Gun. w. ith 450 kV HVPS. Y-chamber to in...
Murcek. , R. . Xiang. (HZDR). R. . . Barday. , T...
The Status and Road Map. 1. . Haci. . S. og...
Yuhong. Zhang. MEIC Collaboration Meeting Spring...
L.J.Mao. (IMP), . H.Zhang. (. Jlab. ). On behal...
Proton Source Workshop. December 7 and 8, 2010. B...
Andrey Shirokov. Lomonosov. Moscow . State . Uni...
from keV to . GeV. energies and . beyond. . Eli...
Oton Vázquez Doce. Excellence Cluster Universe, ...
Arne Freyberger. Operations Department. Accelerat...
Bikini Atoll H-bomb Test, 2013: $500/month plus f...
1. Katsushi Arisaka. Introduction . to Particle P...
of the Early . Universe. University of Californi...
Fabrice . Piquemal. Laboratoire Souterrain de Mod...
平岩 聡彦. 阪. 大. RCNP. o. n behalf of t...
Nuclear Reactions , Transmutations , Fission ...
Arne Freyberger. Operations Department. Accelerat...
Jun Cao. . Institute of High Energy Physics. ICHE...
S. Gilardoni – CERN. Based on contributions from...
31. S for nuclear astrophysics. α. +. 28. Si test...
. Medicine. . Applications. in . Turkey. Prof. D...
small energies. Hartmut. Machner, FZ . Jülich. ...
The same physics that leads to collectivity, lower...
1. Type . of. . radiation. charged. . particles....
Shogo Sakanaka. for the ERL development team. Pres...
. in. Japan. Takashi Nakano (RCNP, Osaka Univ.). ...
Joachim Görres. University of Notre Dame & JI...
OMICS Group International is an amalgamation of ....
. Low Energy Threshold Analysis (LETA). . Motivat...
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