Bandwidth Microsoft published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Pat Stemen. Senior Program Manager. Microsoft Cor...
Andrew Mason. Principal Program Manage...
How Licensing works with . Office 365 . Open. Par...
– . Architecture and Topology. Steve Peschka. S...
ITP314, CIO314, PM314, IA314. Wes Preston MCTS. I...
. Patrick. . L...
in SMB. Brent Combest, Director WW Sales SMB Micr...
Techniques for Hiding and Detecting Traces. Paul....
Fatemeh. . Soltani. Fatemeh.soltani@mail.mcgill....
5 Culprits That Cause 95% of Your Performance Hea...
Seayoung. Rhee. Sr. Technical Product Manager. M...
11- 10 – 2009. A Comparison of Heterogeneous Vi...
Forefront Identity Manager. Phil Whipps. Principa...
Richard Smith. Consultant – MCS UK. Richard Smi...
Lake View High School Freshman Academy 2013-2014....
MnSCU. IT Conference 2013 . Melissa Frye – Acc...
LightSwitch. Application. Andrew Coates. http://...
®. . LightSwitch. ™. Beyond the Basics. Andre...
SQL Server. Howard Pincham, MCITP, CISSP. Databas...
Amit Velingkar, Sean Boon, Julie Strauss, Matt Ma...
Curtis Sawin, . Technology . Solutions . Professi...
Curtis Sawin, . Technology . Solutions . Professi...
Plug-in . Accessing Higher Ground 2008. Jayme Joh...
without plug-ins using . MPEG-DASH. Daniel Schnei...
Make the data that matters easily accessible to y...
Ryan . Benson. Charlie . Satterfield. DCIM-B329. ...
Jorge Negrete. Director de la División de Produc...
And Tricks. John Cunningham. Development Man...
Debugger Tips and Tricks for .NET Developers with...
Feature Creep Technology. Here is Edward Bear com...
Declarative Programming Using XAML. Rob . Rel...
Chris Klug. @. ZeroKol...
Miguel A. Castro | @miguelcastro67. DEV-B412. Cla...
Microsoft Advertising, in partnership with Ogilvy ...
Challenges In . Mobile Communications . 17 . Febr...
deFacto. . Overview. . 100% Microsoft-centric:....
Richard . Bross. Partner Master Class. AP040 Buil...
Revenue Recognition. Microsoft Corporation. June...
Source:. . IEEE Transactions on Information Fo...
FileTables. , Property Search, and FTS/Semantic S...
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