Axion Tensor published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
from . axion. -gauge couplings. Ippei. Obata (Kyo...
M. Betz. (CERN, Geneva). M. . Gasior. (C...
Tetsutaro. . Higaki. (KEK). 1208.3563 and . 1304....
He Zhang. 1. , He Huang. 2. , . Rui. Li. 1. , . ...
Overview. Theory. Basic . physics. Tensor. Dif...
Juan Andrés . Bazerque. , Gonzalo . Mateos. , an...
Overview. Theory. Basic . physics. Tensor. Dif...
Shenghan Jiang. Boston College. Benasque. Februar...
He Zhang. 1. , He Huang. 2. , . Rui. Li. 1. , . ...
Overview. Theory. Basic . physics. Tensor. Dif...
near the ground states of nuclei. = Study by . 16...
Elena Long. High Energy Nuclear Physics With . Spe...
Axion Dark Matter. Georg G. . Raffelt. , Max-Plan...
Theoretical Motivation. Cosmological Role. Experi...
Axion . L. imits. Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-In...
Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institut f. ür Phys...
, Korea. Yannis Semertzidis. . CAPP/IBS at KAIST....
Goga. . Suknidze. TSU, Physics Faculty,...
A. xion . S. uperradian. T. instabilities. BLASTs...
Cosmological Role. Experimental Searches. Georg Ra...
Axel Lindner . DESY . Any Light Particle Search II...
郭宗寛 . (. Zong-Kuan. . Guo. ). ITP. , . CA...
Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Application...
D. istributed . T. ensor Computations. Martin Sch...
/6930-902. Scientific Visualization. TENSOR FIELD...
geometry. From superconducting. qubits. to . spi...
Zong-Kuan. . Guo. Hangzhou . workshop . on gravi...
Tensor Decomposition and Clustering. Moses . Char...
with the UNC-Utah NAMIC Tools. Martin Styner UNC....
(& Gravitons ?). -. Vishal. . Kasliwal. Clas...
Renormalization . and. the . Holographic. . Co...
Analysis. . . Kai-Wei Chang. Joint work with. ...
Prof Geraint F. Lewis. Sydney Institute for Astro...
27-750. Texture, Microstructure & Anisotropy....
Determinantal. Assignment Problem. John . Levent...
Minkowski. four-force . leads to . scalar-tensor...
Dieter Jaksch. Outline. Lecture 1: Introduction. ...
From global conservation of mass:. A. Apply this ...
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