Annotation Lena published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Martin Weisser. Visiting Professor. School of Eng...
PropBank. . Outline. Introduction to the project...
PropBanks. for . English and Hindi. Ashwini Vaid...
Why – How . – . Where. What’s up with this ...
Éva Székely, . Zeeshan. Ahmed, . Ingmar Steine...
Uh 2010-01: Shakespeare to Shepard. Wright State ...
Douglas Fisher. “Read . ...
Active Annotation:system annotation on a view that...
:. Refining and Improving. Genome Annotation. Sam...
Close Reading . and . Annotation. Pre-AP English ...
:DAVID. D. atabase for . A. nnotation, . V. isual...
Elizabeth van der Velde. August 2015. Video Lesso...
. AGeS: A Software System for Annotation and Ana...
1 Providing tools for annotation of media is there...
: A Web-Based Sequence Annotation Editor for Comm...
Crowdsourced. Active Learning. Honglei. . Zhuan...
Marcus Chibucos, Ph.D.. University of Maryland Sc...
Text to Deepen Understanding. Doug Fisher . and ....
Archaea. Matthew Blow. Adam . Deu...
Text to Deepen Understanding. Doug Fisher . and ....
4. , 2014 . Sponge. . You have been chosen to de...
american. history project. History Cohort. Septe...
Fall 2012. C. ommunity . A. ssessment of. C. ommu...
A webinar for the i5K Pilot Species Projects . Mo...
Text to Deepen Understanding. World Studies. Anno...
Massimo Poesio. Part 4: Dealing with . crowdsourc...
1. 2. Data capture...
Annotation- What is it. marking the pages with . ...
Abdulla Alasaadi. Old Domini...
Mycobacterium . bovis. genomics. Stephen Gordon....
Corpus. Tool. Martin Weisser. Research . Center. ...
Mini-Lesson #19. Created by Benjamin . LaVictoire...
ASM-JGI. . 2012. Transferring information to . n...
re . 6. Annotations. Advanced. Java. Programming....
Gene Function and Gene Ontology. Fall 2011. http:...
. You have been chosen to describe your school i...
G053: . Lesson . 07. Design. Tools and Technique...
Can students recognize figures?. Informational te...
Can students recognize figures?. Informational te...
Doug Fisher . and . Nancy Frey. Annotation. is a...
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