Amelia Anonymity published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Dissertation Defense. George Corser. November 6, ...
Why Share Data?. Hospitals share data with resear...
CS 656 Spring 2009. Should We Be Worried?. Medica...
Freedom of . e. xpression, incitement, anonymity ...
Ross Anderson. Cambridge University. Open Data In...
on online anonymity Age trends in the use of anony...
and . security. What can we learn from the furore...
Thomas Holenstein. ITS Science . Colloquium. , No...
We normally carry our sense of identity around wi...
Ying Cai. Department of Computer Science. Iowa St...
Microdata. with a Robust Privacy Guarantee. Jian...
unbeobachtbare. Kommunikation. Anonymous and uno...
1. The constant in Solomon’s teaching is that t...
(. Version 2013/04/03). Stefan Köpsell. (Slides ...
soldiering in virtual anonymity and then examine s...
Cryptographic Anonymity Project. Alan Le. A littl...
March . 21st, 2016.. Contentious Communities - Di...
Francqui. The design of . economic. and . politi...
Piers . Fleming, . Steven Watson, and Daniel . Zi...
2. Methods based on k-anonymity. k-candidate. k...
Why Share Data?. Hospitals share data with resear...
An Analysis of Anonymity. and Ephemerality . in a...
CS587x Lecture. Department of Computer Science. I...
Jules Polonetsky. Co-Chairman and Director, Futur...
Hasuo. . Tracing Anonymity with . Coalgebras. Te...
Kazuya Sakai. ,. . Tokyo Metropolitan University...
Prepared by: Eng. . Hiba. Ramadan. Supervised by...
Prof. . Ravi Sandhu. Executive Director . and End...
Considerations and Rationale. Phillip L. Davidson...
Texas Campus Crime Stoppers . March 2018. History...
By . Ian Cavitt. Arbitrary Physical Node. Essenti...
Team 5. Daniel Childers, Chase Cossairt, Gregor H...
IP address, . URL, packet header and body, geo-lo...
The schwa was here Bellwork week four Monday, ...
Increasing Anonymity via Dummy Jondos in a Cr...
Mirani. Do . bitcoins. provide complete anonymity...
in . Encryption Schemes. Payman. . Mohassel. Univ...
Rob Jansen. Aaron Johnson. Paul . Syverson. U.S. N...
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