Alliteration Personification published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
DO NOW. Why do you think we have to learn about P...
Stanza. A stanza is a division of a poem made by...
Reading. Assessment . Objectives. AO3 i: . selec...
Ballad. Connotation. Figurative Language. Free Ve...
most . common, imagery may appeal to any of the s...
. . Wind. Wakened,. the...
1843. Summary. The Tell-Tale Heart is a powerf...
Revision and intervention. Writing Section B, Pap...
than . in . its literal meaning, changes the mean...
1. Can I write a different ending for a nursery r...
and Lydia Hadley's . Happylife. Home. does ev...
A comparison of two unlike things using like or a...
A free preview from our . CCSS- and Standards-ins...
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. OH sleep! it is ...
Lord of the Flies . Language - Imagery. Imagery ....
(Page 50). Stafford Afternoons. Stafford afternoo...
the recurrence of initial consonant sounds. The r...
Sit Silently. READ. !!. Warm Up – Page . 1(or ....
To . explore and analyse Wilfred Owen’s poem . ...
You will need 2 sheets of paper and your . Chains... Ope...
“It pricks like a thorn.”. “You are as swee...
gua. ge?. Fig. ura. tive. . lan. gua. ge . is la...
Kevin Stadtler. Figurative language is a word or ...
concepts. .. Most: To identify poetic features. ....
In literature, a . symbol. is a person, place, t...
Mrs. A. Rotker. W. ea. k and w. ea. ry. Assonance...
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sound...
: . When . a writer treats a nonliving thing like...
Knowledge . Writers often write about one thing a...
Literally. :. . words function . exactly. as de...
PERSONIFICATION IS…... A figure of speech in wh...
Alliteration. personification. simile. assonance....
Ackbar. playing an accordion with an antelope in...
2) A couple of rhetorical terms and, in brief, ho...
Do you know this vocabulary?. Empathy. Memoir. Pe...
rose.. Answer Choices:. A. Allusion. B. Simile. C...
Presented by . The Office of ELA. March 2016. Lit...
Realistic Fiction. Big Question: How does facing ...
Key terms: . deductions, inferences, suspense, fe...
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