Agile published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Frank Maurer. Agile Software Engineering Lab, Uni...
and AgilE Development. Agility and . Architecture...
Derek . Zernach. Overview. Definitions. Backgroun...
Introduction The best way to understand what Infin...
Accelerate with BIRT and Actuate 11. Successfully...
resources are hired or relocated within the compan...
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD). Disciplined . A...
The Foundation for Scaling Agile/Scrum. Scott W. ...
© . 2009-2010 . Peter Stevens. redistribution al...
AGILE 2011, April 18-22: Ali Tahir, Gavin McArdle,...
AGILE International Conference on Geographic Info...
THINGS. Y. ou . N. eed . to . Know . to . Transfo...
1 2 Agile Contracts PrimerABLEONTENTS
Introduction. Choosing the right company to devel...
Anders Norberg. Education Strategist, Campus Skel...
By applying principles of Agile software developme...
Scaling Agile so that it Thrives and Survives. Ag...
Luc Janssen. Director, Product Management, QAD In...
The Supply-Side Crisis Facing Agile Adopters. __...
The Supply-Side Crisis Facing Agile Adopters. (...
July 2011Learning agile leaders are not interchang...
Re-Engineering Library IT. Joan A. Smith, PhD. Em...
From left: An agile performer from Cirque du Solei...
Eugene Chai, Kang G. Shin. University of Michigan...
Investment in Technology. Process Technology. Pro...
Development. Methodologies. Damian Gordon. Timeli...
and New Mexico Chapter Activity. Executive Presen...
The problem with documentation. Argument: “Heav...
Stephen Forte @. worksonmypc. Chief Strategy Offi...
Benjamin Day. . About Me. Cambridge, M...
What did you set out to do? . How did you do it? ...
Development at the DoD. SoftwareForge Document ID...
Software Development Practices and Methodologies....
Does Remote AGILE Work? . By: Miriam Lottner, COO...
. Vinayak. . Joglekar. , CTO. @. vinayakj. Hema...
Agile transformationJanuary 2014 2 ...
1 Agile Center of Excellence Engineered to Perfor...
at the Program Level. Chris Waggoner, CSC - Keep ...
Lunch and Learn: The Agile PMP. ®. and your ca...
About the AuthorsDan RadiganSr. Agile Evangelist,D...
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