2017 Query published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Amit Banerjee . Support Escalation Engineer. Micr...
Presented By. . Janhavi. . Digraskar. CSE 704. ...
: . Data Harvesting Detection on Hidden Databases...
May . 11, 2012. Information Builders (Canada) Inc...
Best Practices. Business Intelligence Solutions. ...
Caching in HDFS. Lower. latency, same great tas...
Univ. of Alberta, Canada. http: //. www.cs.ualber...
CSC 575. Intelligent Information Retrieval. Intel...
Responsibility. f. or Query Answers and non-Answe...
7. Centrality (. cont. ). Slides modified from . ...
Costing of election platforms by CPB. Johannes He...
Anup. Bhattacharya. IIT Delhi. . Joint work wit...
University 2017. Strategic Goal: . Thrive 2017. C...
. Schütze. and Christina . Lioma. Lecture 3: D...
Repeat Queries in Yahoo’s Logs. Jaime Teevan (M...
Speaker: . Rui-Rui. Li. Supervisor: Prof. Ben Ka...
Auto-Completion . Yanen. Li. 1. , . Anlei. Dong...
Evidence . Signals . and Tasks. Vishwa Vinay. Mic...
Alexander . Kotov. (UIUC). . Pranam. . Kolari....
CHOOSE . hCare. Portal on your Launchpad. Setup ...
Casper. :. A Tale of two Systems. Mohamed . Mokbe...
CompSci. 590.03. Instructor: Ashwin Machanavajjh...
®. Visual Composer. Dr. Bjarne Berg. Comerit In...
Jan Christopher . Vogt, . EPFL. Slick Team. #. sc...
Jinyun Yan. Wei Chu. Ryen White. Rutgers Universi...
Association of Computing Activities . Computer Sc...
Security . Policies. Piotr. (Peter) . Mardziel. ...
. . Bahaeddin. ERAVCI,. . Emre. YILMAZ,. I...
Query Semantics:. (“Marginal Probabilities”)...
Software-Defined Networks. Srinivas Narayana. Jen...
Query Auto-Completion. WWW 2011 Hyderabad India. ...
SUM 2013. Batya. . Kenig. Avigdor. Gal. Ofer. ...
SQL Field Type. Dynamic SQL Field Type. Create us...
Formulation & Expansion. Ling573. NLP Systems...
Andris. . Ambainis. (U. of Latvia). Forrelation...
Murali. Mani, . Mohamad. . Alawa. , . Arunlal. ...
with Time Series Query. Hyun . Duk. . Kim (now a...
Bhargav Kanagal & Amol Deshpande. University ...
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