2017 Query published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Opportunistic Programming: . Interleaving Web For...
Saehoon Kim. §. , . Yuxiong He. *. ,. . Seung-w...
1. Members. Chairman Michael Gorman St Laurence's...
SW Arch, dist sys & . interop. Lecture . 12. ...
. Abdullah . Alotayq. , Dong Wang, Ed Pham. A Ba...
AnswerinG. Deliverable 3 – Question Processing....
Enterprise Search. Dominique Verhaeghe. Technolog...
Logic Programming . introduction to Prolog, facts...
Assessing their server availability.. Quantifying...
ISSN (Print) : 2320
Linq. :. Language Integrated Query. in C#3, Visua...
Lecture 6: Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Near...
1. ICDM 2008. Privacy-Preserving Location Service...
Sai . Vallurupalli. What are query logs useful fo...
- The MOSS Show. Developing with LINQ. , REST &am...
Engineering Loosely . Routed LSPs. draft-tsaad-mp...
Example Schema. We will use these table definitio...
Given the following tables:. employee (. person_...
Given an unspecified attribute and the user query...
Jaime . Teevan. , Microsoft . Reseach. UNC 2015. ...
Longest Non Decreasing Subsequence (Revisited). 1...
Brent Groom (Senior Premier Field Engineer). Stev...
. Schütze. and Christina . Lioma. Lecture . 15...
Diagnosis for . Selective . Query Expansion. Le Z...
The Problem. 2. Given a very long reference seque...
: Tolerant Retrieval. 楊立偉教授. 台灣科...
& . Tolerant Dictionaries. The pdf image slid...
Operational data is collected by probes, administ...
Released: January 22, 2015 Commodity Unit 2013 201...
Population Growth Strategy - Companion Document
Alex Andoni. (. Microsoft Research . SVC). Prism ...
via Voronoi and Gossip. Ranieri Baraglia. P2P Res...
Scale Down, Scale Up, Scale Out. . Phillip B. . ...
Web Ontology Language. Some material adapted from...
Tim Mitchell. Today’s Agenda. Overview of SSIS ...
Michael . Armbrust. , Kristal Curtis, Tim . Krask...
ut we feel that we now have a fairly good pictu...
Survey Results. In June 2011, 4,300 survey’s we...
Shengliang. . Dai. Background . Queries over lar...
Jiri. . Matousek. . Presented By. Benny Schlesi...
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