2014 Library published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Spag. Off. Who killed the chef?. Following the s...
Library à la Carte, Heroku, and OSU. . . Micha...
Images from the . Pictorial Library of Bible Land...
BSC Library Overview. An Anno-What? . An Annotate...
PubMed. : . Teaching 1. st. Year Medical Student...
The Library in 2011 and Moving Forward. April 18,...
Bluebook 101. Electronic Sources. Rule 18 . Galla...
Unearthing institutional datasets to . strengthen...
By Ella-Rose . S. mith . I. ntroduction. The topi...
Who are you? . Angie: Librarian born with a visua...
Sue Leibold. Library Director. Clarke University....
1/15/2013. MA Library System Workshop. Presentati...
Slick . Second Semester Plans for your libraries....
in a Flat Statistical World. Prince George’s Co...
Angie Brunk, Assistant Professor and Reference Li...
Tara Robertson, CAPER-BC, @. tararobertson. Heidi...
SureSelect Strand-Specific mRNA Library Preparatio...
How to Use the Midwest Genealogy . Center. . Loc...
, . March . 16. Composition 5.2. Study Island!. L...
Reference, Research, and Scholarly Services, Univ...
:. Mapping a New Route. 1. 2. INTRODUCTION. Hoste...
Module 2. Sharon Rankin. Sean Swanick. [. “It ....
to . Graph . Cluster Analysis. Outline. Introduct...
Books and Articles. R. 15, R.16. Gallagher Law Li...
http://loc.gov/Library of Congress
Kirby McCurtis. San Diego Public Library. U.S. ha...
Presented . By. Dr. B. Sutradhar, Librarian . Cen...
Presenter: Jenny Quilliam. Developers: Mark Baldo...
Centre for Social Informatics,. Part time PhD stu...
The network reconfigures . the library?. @. Lorca...
On Sunday May 31, 1981, the Tamil United Liberati...
Lessons Learned. NISO Forum. Annette Bailey. Vir...
Meeting . #3. September 30, 2014. SCAVENGER HUNT!...
A . web based . serials . routing . tool . for Al...
The librarys revised cataloguing levels are ...
and Advocating For Weeding . Your . Collection. H...
One Ketchikan One Book. Kathleen . Wiechelman. , ...
Destruction of Chinese cultures and traditional v...
. Library . (access 24/7). Your connection to i...
OVERDRIVE . E-Books on Android, IOS, Nook and Kin...
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