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1. Ellenor. Brown. Howard Liles. Algan. . Samur...
1. Ellenor. Brown. Howard Liles. Algan. . Samur...
M. Kristi Henzel, MD, PhD. Staff Physiatrist, SCI...
1. IP: Scientific . Evidence . in . Patent . Liti...
1. IP: Scientific . Evidence . in . Patent . Liti...
1. Scientific Evidence and Expert Testimony: Paten...
1007s1253900900367 Electromagnetic Signals Are Pro...
P W P W P J WW P SCIF Mission Statement To fund ...
1880 ,
(SCI-PUMT). Gail Powell-Cope PhD, ARNP, FAAN. Act...
MJ Mulcahey, Ph.D., OTR\L. Thomas Jefferson Unive...
RJM - IP: Sci Ev in Pat Lit - Winter 2012. 1. IP:...
(SCI). Presented by:. Lakmal. . Kaviratna. Thoma...
Background . Guided by Convention on the Rights o...
World J. Sport Sci., 3 (2): 113-118, 2010117 canoe...
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 17 (3): 287-291, 2013290...
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2011; Vol. 1: Issue 4, ...
, Orthodontist, B.D.S., M.Dent.Sci., F.D.S., R.C.S...
World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 42-48, 201047 velociti...
The first hint Mr. Slippery had that his own True...
Prison reality in Pennsylvanias SCI Mahanoy:...
Sci-fi. Space ship. Aliens . CGI. Futuristic weap...
Top 10* articles in CNS Rehabilitation. Christina...
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 2, 2007 ...
RJM - IP: Sci Ev in Pat Lit - Winter 2012. 1. IP:...
® - Wale Micaiah ©. Teachers, Admission . Rate...
for Strings and Sets. William Cohen. SELECT R.a,S...
comments questions: . papers,...
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 3, 2008 247a the...
Emerging Technologies. NSF/ANSI Standard 55. Eval...
World J. Med. Sci., 8 (2): 79-84, 201383 for the o...
Juvie Anne, Megan, Sarah, Justin. Historical Rese...
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 3, 2008 126based...
Ali Shahriari . The Indiana Heart Hospital. India...
RJM - IP: Sci Ev in Pat Lit - Spring 2013. 1. Tod...
1242LunXiang, Sci China Earth Sci August (2010) ...
RJM - IP: Sci Ev in Pat Lit - Spring 2013. 1. Tod...
February 2015 SCI Data Sheet 64%23%10%0.5%2%1% Non...
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