Repository Access published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
David Tarrant. University of Southampton (UK). dc...
Fabio . Montella. October 2011. What does my repo...
. The Brockport Model. Kim Myers. Digital Reposi...
IRUS-UK in practice. . webinar, 7. th. May 2015...
Paper presented at Open Repositories 2012, Edinbu...
COMPLIANCE PROGRAM:. Repository Protocols . and F...
COMPLIANCE PROGRAM. FAQs: Designing and Managing...
Joe Ramsey. CMU Philosophy. Switching topics a li...
:. H. ow collaboration contributed to the develop...
The CDR repository manager service repeatedly att...
caninehealthinfoorg Application for DNA Repository...
Reach Repository Living Section Editor Gary Brown ...
ty: The body, compliance This version available on...
:. R. eusing . results . of . mapreduce. . job...
James L. Mullins, PhD . Dean of Libraries &....
International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) ...
Molly McEvilley, . Abt Associates. Objectives. Du...
HCJB Senior Design Team. April 10, 2013. Developm...
Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for ...
CS222. Baris Aktemur. Software Development. Softw...
and . EPrints. Services for Object Storage and Pr...
I. ON. DIGITAL REPOSITORY . Developing a . D. igi...
K. . Thuku. Kenyatta . University, Nairobi, Kenya...
ICT. Courses. Repository of Wisdom. ALTA Forum ...
Jim Coble. Digital Repository Developer. j.
Windows Server Containers: . What. , Why, an...
Library of Congress (LOC), Digital Preservation 2...
Neil Jacobs. Head of Scholarly Communications Sup...
(Extra Content). Robert Hogg. Architect. Black Ma...
By Rohit Ghatol. About Me. What is Maven?. Build ...
D. Rama Rao. Director, NAARM. Agricultural Data S...
Henry Feild—Endicott College. James Allan—UMa...
What is version control?. Aka revision control, s...
Windows Containers . Taylor Brown (@. taylorb_msf...
4 lecture 3. whaffle. Thomas Krichel. 2011-09-14....
ECE 297. Why Do We Need Version Control?. What’...
Emily . R. Novak . Gustainis. , Countway Library,...
Online Research Data Repository. for Your Univers...
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