Rdfs Person published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
. slides are borrowed from Costello . 2. Lecture...
to Linked Open Data. Matej. . Durco. Institute f...
Using . MapReduce. Jacopo . Urbani. , Spyros . Ko...
University at Buffalo. August 11-12, 2012. Goal a...
Embedding RDF Knowledge in HTML. Some content fro...
by TNO (NL), RDF (BG. ) . and CSTB . (F). Modelli...
Miguel Ángel García . Delgado, Daniel Vila-Suero...
CWM Overview. CWM is a simple Semantic Web program...
Student : . Mateja. . Sakovi. ć 3015/2011. Intr...
. to. . Linked. Data. Marko . Grobelnik. , . A...
Week . 12. LBSC 671. Creating Information Infrast...
Lectio. . magistralis. in Library Science. b. y...
David Ben-David & Roi Adadi. Built on W3C “...
Semantic . Web and . Linked Open Data. Hideaki Ta...
(and Abuses. ). Lessons Learned in IBM Rational. ...
Movement led by W3C that promotes common formats ...
Introduction. Jeff Heflin. Lehigh University. The...
Taylor Cowan. Brian Boyd. Travelocity.com. Agenda....
Primavera . 2015. Lecture. . 10: . Conclusion. Ai...
Language (. OWL). Dr Nicholas . Gibbins - . nmg. @...
M. Abdullah. 1. st. . semester . 2018-2019. Comp...
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