Rdf Http published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Ref: Thomas Neumann and Gerhard Weikum [PVLDBâ...
Gordon Dunsire. Chair, IFLA Namespaces Technical ...
Examples. Dbpedia. Freebase. Library Congress LOD...
Zhe. Wu. Architect. Oracle Spatial and Graph. Ma...
- or - . What happened to the. Beverages at K3LR ...
Nodes. Blank nodes are great!. Blank Nodes are Gr...
Using . MapReduce. Jacopo . Urbani. , Spyros . Ko...
namespaces, elements, vocabularies, application p...
University at Buffalo. August 11-12, 2012. Goal a...
The Innovation of our Energy Future. About . E. ...
Google Refine. to Publish Linked Data. Fadi Maal...
Colin Batchelor. ,. Ken Karapetyan, Valery Tkache...
2009-10-22. Jaeseok. . Myung. Summary. TA. DB : ...
Metadata Strategies for Time-Based Media Blues. J...
Chains of. Multiple Interlinked RDF Data Stores. ...
eGov. projects, e.g. Data.gov. Workshop on Impro...
NERF, 6. th. June 2013 . Kirk . Bridgewood. Derw...
Task 3: Semantic Databases on the XMT. PNNL: . Da...
Knowledge Representation. Part VI. . Some more d...
WWW - LDOW 2016, Canada. Nishita Jaykumar. , Pav...
Mieczyslaw “MITCH” M. KOKAR. BRIAN E. ULICNY....
Michael A. Sterba. KG7HQ. Assistant director/tech...
David Ben-David & Roi Adadi. Built on W3C “...
WWW - LDOW 2016, Canada. Nishita Jaykumar. , Pav...
Benno. . Lee. 1(. leeb5@rpi.edu. ). , Patrick We...
Task 3: Semantic Databases on the XMT. PNNL: . Da...
for Small and Large Lots. Small antennas. H...
FamilySearch. — A Large-Scale Reasoning Applic...
Introduction. Jeff Heflin. Lehigh University. The...
Nisma Aly. IS 373. 4-19-2010. Introduction. Info...
Structure. How will search and querying on these ...
CC7220-1 La Web de Datos Primavera 2019 Lecture...
Description. Work in Progress. Joachim . Wackerow....
Primavera . 2019. Lecture. 2: RDF . Model. and ...
Primavera . 2016. Lecture. 4: Web . Ontology. . ...
December 13, 2010. Dean B. Krafft. Chief Technolog...
Language (. OWL). Dr Nicholas . Gibbins - . nmg. @...
Christopher Gutteridge. @cgutteridge. 2. Universit...
Zaki and James A Hendler Dept of Computer Scienc...
unimannheimde Abstract Type information is very va...
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