Qubits Logical published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
high-dimensional geometry. Patrick Hayden. McGill...
Omar Fawzi (ETH Zürich). Joint work with Winton ...
David . DiVincenzo . 17. .12.2014. QEC14. Outline...
|⟩. Language . Integrated Quantum . Operations....
Omar Fawzi (ETH Zürich). Joint work with Winton ...
Khalid Muhammad. 1. History of Quantum Computing....
Dorit. . Aharonov. Aram Harrow. Zeph. Landau. D...
of . Physics. NIST and University of . Maryland. ...
and particle physics. NPQI, Argonne. 28 March 201...
Implementation. Ben Feldman, Harvard University. ...
No longer just theory. Meet-Up. . SlideS. by He...
Dorit. . Aharonov. Aram Harrow. Zeph. Landau. D...
University of Maryland. Department of Physics. Nat...
with a . Scala. Embedded . Language. Xiao Liu an...
Martin Suchara. Andrew Cross. Jay . Gambetta. Sup...
Quantum Computation. Sandy . Irani. Department of...
Qubits. . "Ultrafast Gates for Single Atomic Qu...
C. omputing. By: Mike Neumiller & Brian Yarb...
Software . Architecture:. Mapping Quantum Algorit...
Professor John . Kubiatowicz. University of Calif...
Seyed. Ali . Hosseini. . Lavasani. . Seyed. ....
Collection of two-state quantum systems (. qubits...
Modern Physics. 5/10/11 . Spring 2011. Ben Mil...
i. n Information Processing. Atul . Kumar ...
. Rutger M. T. Thijssen. Van der Waals - Zeeman ...
Aditi. . Sen. (De). Harish-Chandra Research Ins...
of Black Hole Evaporation. Dan Castillo. Overvie...
Dung Nguyen. Chicago 19. th. January. Content. M...
Optimizing . Implementations of the [. 7,1,3. ] C...
with . random diagonal-. unitaries. Yoshifumi Nak...
(. UT Austin. ). SQuInT. , Baton Rouge, Louisiana...
(. UT Austin. ). Caltech Physics Colloquium, Febr...
J. OINT. Q. UANTUM. I. NSTITUTE. with David Hayes...
with a . Scala. Embedded . Language. Xiao Liu an...
Nanowires in Quantum Information Processing. . D...
Alper Sarikaya. Advised by Prof. Dave Bacon. Comp...
Monroe. University of Maryland. Quantum Simulatio...
Experimental Comparison of Two Quantum Computing ...
. . Compiler Techniques to Fight Bias and Correla...
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