Quark Quarks published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Koichi Hattori. Fudan. University. “Strangenes...
and . GRBs structure. Alessandro Drago. Universit...
Sofia Leitão. CFTP, University of Lisbon, Portug...
in the nucleon sea . and . EMC studies at . the S...
April 20, 2015. ASRC Seminar. 1. Atsushi . Hosaka...
Goldstone . modes. Rocio. BERMUDEZ (. U . Micho....
Youngman Kim(KIAS). Hyun-. Chul. Kim and YK, . J...
in N=4 Super Yang Mills. Juan Maldacena . Based o...
from Continuum-QCD. Craig . D. Roberts. Physics D...
Lee. . . . . Quark . condensat...
the Fine Print: . Visualizing . Medication . Side...
Jan Uphoff. with O. Fochler, Z. Xu and C. Greiner...
Ren. Chen. IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo. 2. nd. Worksh...
Quark Model Quark Model OutlineHadrons known in 19...
http. ://. vega.bac.pku.edu.cn/. rxxu . R....
R. . Yoshiike. Collaborator: K.. . Nishiyama. , ...
Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Search for Anomalo...
Philippe Doublet. Roman . Pöschl. , François Ri...
e. +. e. -. . at. Anselm . Vossen. . a. nd Di-...
. Lee . . . 1. Few words on a re...
hadron. physics . at CLAS. K. Hicks. JAEA Semina...
Maria . Goppert. -Mayer with the King of Sweden i...
. -. mahjongg style . particle ...
ass: Facts and Fancy. Francesco Vissani. LNGS and...
Dice Game. with Sergio . Novaes. , IFT - CMS. . Q...
Dyson-Schwinger Equations . Craig Roberts. Physic...
PlasMA. Nonequilibrium. Dynamics. in Astrophysic...
Inclusive measurements at large . x. ; . quark mo...
実験におけるハドロン分光. 加藤悠�...
. exotica. Michał . Praszałowicz. . in . coll...
Outline. February 9, 2008. Quark Matter 2008. 2. ...
Inha University. s, pentaquarks or excited heavy ...
. Beta decay. seen at quark level. . . A quark...
String Fragmentation in the Exclusive Limit. Mac ...
Symmetry Breaking. Craig Roberts. Physics Divisi...
Kiyoshi Tanida. (Japan Atomic Energy Agency). @Th...
. QCD Knowns: . Deep Inelastic Scattering and He...
Adnan. BASHIR (U . Michoacan. );. R. BERMUDEZ (....
Visualizing . Medication . Side-Effects in Comple...
. . D. ipole. . . M. oment. Rajan. Gupt...
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