Pwid Mrsa published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
p. rogram for people who inject drugs in Cebu Cit...
with . Different Groups. Module 3 (f). People who...
People Who Inject Drugs . in Ukraine: . Modelling...
Prevalence. . among. . People. . Who. . Injec...
Module 3 (f). People who Inject Drugs. People who...
in Prisoners. HIV and related infections in priso...
Laura . Fernàndez. -López. lflopez@iconcologia....
Harm Reduction at the Crossroads Drugs, drug poli...
Interventions to Prevent and Treat HIV Among Peopl...
Dr. Sabrina . Sharmin. . Médecins. . Sans . Fro...
G. . Ntetskas. , V. . Papastergiou. , L. . Skorda...
people who inject drugs . Fabienne Hariga, MD, MP...
Scientific Development Workshop. AIDS 2014, Melbo...
Aimed at Key Affected . Population . Groups. Clin...
An HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis trial in Thailand...
. Steffanie A. Strathdee (University of Califor...
New Funding Module (NFM) . in a Challenging Envir...
M. eans to . Reduce Relapse to Opioid Use . and I...
Cannabis is . the most . prominent drug in . off...
w. ho . i. nject . d. rugs (PWID) in India: . Hig...
Strategies To Identify and Advance PWID HCV Patie...
Colleen Kershaw, . MD. Assistant Professor of . M...
HepCare Europe No-one gets left behind: address...
Javier . Cepeda. UC San Diego. Background to the m...
Therapy. Evidence, Implication and Preliminary Fin...
Olga . Denisiuk. Project Manager: program optimiza...
seroconversion. and genetically linked HCV infect...
HCV . GT 1,4, or 6 in PWID* on Opiate Agonist Ther...
Endocarditis Among Patients with Histories of IV D...
Working to eliminate hepatitis C as a public healt...
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