Pmt 000 published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Tim Jones. Liverpool Group. Overview. Cooling Sys...
Krista Nordback, P.E., Ph.D., PSU. Mike Sellinger...
M. Aoki. Hodoscope. Trigger. TOF. 3e4 hits/plane/...
Y. Onel PM . June 11, 2012. 1. Recent Highlights ...
SiPM. tests. Darkroom for PMT/SiPM tests. 1. Umu...
Test setup inside dark box. LED. white paper. PMT...
Estimating Pedestrian and Bicycle Miles Traveled ...
Darkroom for PMT/SiPM tests. 1. Umut KOSE. Where: ...
Darkroom for PMT/SiPM tests. 1. Umut KOSE. Where: ...
Contributor. :. . Yuanqing. Wang. , . Zongyi....
in Miniature Detector Using a Multilayer . Percep...
I data taking summary. Jianglai. Liu. June 1, 2...
Time Value of Money. 2. Time Value Topics. Future...
Krista Nordback, P.E., Ph.D.. Michael . Sellinger...
Interest . Minimisation. When ever you take a loa...
Proposal – V2. Ugur Akgun. Sorting Proposal. Lo...
#1. ’02 ’06 . ’04 ’06 ’07 ’09. ’03 ...
of the Hamamatsu R. 11410-20 photomultiplier . tu...
Refurbishment for Run15. Stephen . Trentalange. A...
Trap atom number . Loading Rate. Zeeman slower fl...
IN NEPAL. BY. Tara . Chouhan. Monitoring and Eval...
. the ORIGINAL/UNMODIFIED schematic of the board...
Gains from single photo-electrons in vacuum at ro...
Jun Cao. I. nstitute of High Energy Physics. Daya...
A.D. 31-07-2013. First run - Test stand setup. mag...
- Background Tests. - HV Tests. - Radiation Resi...
PM Report March 19, 2012. 1. Recent Highlights and...
1. Requirements on . photodetectors. . Sensit...
the SPMT system of the JUNO . experime. C. de La T...
crucial for: . . Vector Boson Fusio...
cresciuto. . numericamente. ,. (+2.1 . fte. ) . r...
Agenda. Para Pihak. Majelis Hakim. Panitera. /Peng...
GuangjunXie BaiduInc.,Beijing,China Nankai-BaiduJo...
ACR-PFD-V001-D0347 V illegible Francisco Xavier 17...
LAPPD. TM. ). V. A. Chirayath. , A. Brandt, N. W. ...
- . pedestal . subtraction and signal . decompress...
Chuck Melcher . Graduate Student Instrumentation a...
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