Photonic Frustules published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Johnson a Shanhui Fan c Yoel Fink b and JDJoanno...
EbrahimZadeh ICFOInstitute of Photonic Sciences M...
The red arrows show the light bent by the grating...
Krauss School of Physics and Astronomy University...
P Uranus HJWM Hoekstra and E van Groesen Integrate...
In efforts to achieve higher fuel efficiency, car ...
Supported by DFG within SFB 634. C. Bouazza, C. C...
. Billiards. , . Photonic. Crystals . and. . G...
Architectures through Adaptive Wavelength Divisio...
Nanomaterials for Portable Sensing of Food Contam...
“Topologically . Robust Transport of Photons in...
Denys Bondar and Alexey . Goun. , Princeton Unive...
Scintillator. -based detectors for . Calorimetry....
Photonic Crystal Fiber Based 1x16 Intensity . Spl...
Opportunity (WHY?). Impact (SO WHAT?) . Timelines...
Identification for Grand Challenges. Ralph Nuzzo,...
Microwave. . Billiards. , . Photonic. Crystals ...
The big picture. Dr. Erna Sri Sugesti, Ir., M.Sc....
the Rocket Equation with Photons. ykbae@ykbcorp.c...
Optics. . George . Stegeman. , KFUPM Chair Prof...
Directed. Placement . Algorithm. . for. 3D Opt...
Signal Fires. Smoke Signals. Signal Mirrors. Sign...
Susobhan. Das. Graphene. Experimental Setup. ...
Transitions. in . Microwave. Dirac . Billiards....
Why Study Electromagnetics?. Uday Khankhoje. Elec...
B. Singh (P. I.), M. S. J. Marshall, and V. V. Na...
Session. ERC-. PoC. Testimony. Danaë. . Delbek...
Silicon Photonic . NoCs. in Many-core Systems. A...
. Microwave. Dirac . Billiards. : . From. . Gr...
Bloch-. Polaritons. in Multiple Quantum Well Pho...
composite multilayered photonic. Structures: effe...
Chiral. Liquid Crystals using . Electrically Com...
!. Quantum Information. Mechanical Quantum System...
Kingdom . Monera. Bacteria. 1. 1. Heterotrophic ...
Jae Woong Yoon. , . Kyu. Jin Lee, . Manoj. . Ni...
Silicon Photonic . NoCs. in Many-core Systems. A...
Xiaodong. Yang,. October 25, 2011. The iridesce...
Analysis of a Chip Multiprocessor Using Scientif...
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