Pex published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Principles, Techniques, and Applications in Pract...
for .NET. Nikolai Tillmann, Microsoft Research. S...
From . Pex. to Fakes, Code Digger, and . Pex4Fun...
via Interactive Gaming. Tao Xie. University of Il...
Tao Xie. North Carolina State University. Nikolai...
Tao Xie. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai...
Pipe or Burring Reamer. This type of reamer is ma...
Achievements and Challenges. Tao . Xie. North Car...
End Point Devices – NSF 61. Presented by: Juliu...
Nikolaj . Bj. ø. rner and Leonardo de Moura. Mic...
Pex4Fun:. Teaching . and Learning . Computer . Sc...
Testing:. Theory . and Practice. Tao Xie. Univers...
Testing. ICTSS’11 . Tutorial. Nikolai . Tillman...
in Dynamic Symbolic Execution. Tao . Xie. (North...
Solutions Limpides Inc. 1 450.531.9756 or . Toll...
Visit. Opening Meeting. Team Leader -. Team Membe...
SINKMI$ER . SKC001 in my 2015 Berkshire 40RB Kit...
From the white picket fence to the wraparound por...
Achievements and Challenges. Tao Xie. North Carol...
. indications . in Nephrology. M. Colleen Hastin...
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