Oncol Clin published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
A case of inguinal lymph node squamous cell carcin...
Macrometastasis. ? . Merdan . Fayda. , MD, . Asso...
Macrometastasis. ? . Merdan . Fayda. , MD, . Asso...
Patients. Key Issues. Etienne GC . Brain. , MD . P...
F DESSEIGNE TANGER 27 04 2018. Phase III First-Lin...
Prostate Cancer . C. Ryan Barnes, MD. Virginia Uro...
Ana Rima. Lung Cancer: Incidence and Mortality. Ne...
ARRO Case: Nicholas DeNunzio, MD, PhD (PGY - 3) F...
Reduction. of . Toxicity. of . Chemotherapy. in...
Leisha. A. . Emens. , M.D., . Ph.D. Associate Pr...
Brada. . Torino. . 6 March 2015. Perspectives...
Moderator. Neil Love, MD. Jessica Mitchell, RN, C...
Gerhardt Pohl. Eli Lilly and Company. Objective. ...
Bradley . Burton, . PharmD. , BCOP, . CACP. Septe...
on . Hematologic Malignancies. ®. : . Focus . on...
treatments. in WT . pts. : . which. . opportuni...
E. xtragonadal. Germ . C. ell . T. umors: Focus ...
Medical University of South Carolina . Charleston...
——. The Anti-angiogenesis . E. ffects in the ...
therapies . for . cholangiocarcinoma. Professor J...
Jared Weiss, MD . Assistant . Professor of Medici...
Data source: . Wang R, Pan Y, Li C, et al. Analys...
F.A.C.P. .. Head, Immunotherapy Section. Chief, G...
The Coming Paradigm Shift. Faculty. Suresh S. Ram...
PGY-2 Oncology Pharmacy Resident. Pharmacy Grand...
Sipuleucel. -T was approved based on HR of 0.775 ...
Assistant Professor. Virginia Commonwealth Univer...
Angela . Cioffi. , MD. Sarcoma Research Program c...
Lawrence Drudge-Coates. Urological Oncology Clini...
CDK 4/6 Inhibitors in Breast Cance...
Ezra W Cohen University of California, San Diego...
The Role of Antiangiogenic Agents in the Changin...
TUMORES DEL ESTROMA GONADAL. Temario. Introducció...
Pearls in . the Use . of . Immune . Checkpoint Inh...
Presented by. Faculty/Presenter Disclosure. Facult...
Why is it different? . Why is it important?. Dr Av...
Pierre . Soubeyran. and Siri Rostoft. Disclosure....
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