Offloading published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Aaron . Gember. , Chris . Dragga. , . Aditya. . ...
Distributed Mobile-Cloud . Apps. Hillol. . Debna...
Mapping (TOM). Enabling . Programmer-Transparent ....
Aaron . Gember. , . Christopher . Dragga. , . Adit...
What can Cuckoo do?. Offload computation to the s...
Arani. . bhattacharya. , stony brook university ...
Bus. David Armstrong. Catherine . Gooday. Gustav J...
Offloading part of a users computa tional needs o...
uniroma1it Andrius Aucinas University of Cambridge...
Photo: Courtesy of Curbed New York. Steven A. Cohe...
Does the patient have the capacity for decision m...
Small Players. Zhixue Lu. 1. , . Prasun. Sinha. ...
Prashant Nair. Adviser: . Moin. Qureshi. ECE. Ge...
Aruna Balasubramanian . Ratul Mahajan. Arun . Ven...
Sam . Baek. Ran Li. Modified . from University of...
Aruna Balasubramanian . Ratul Mahajan. Arun Venka...
by. Aruna. . Balasubramanian. . Ratul. . Mahaj...
2015. Brock . Liden. D.P.M.. Better Understand ...
Small Players. Zhixue Lu. 1. , . Prasun. Sinha. ...
Ducks Unlimited conserves, manages, and restores ...
Migrating Execution Transparently. OSDI'12. Mark ...
Younghwan Go. , YoungGyoun Moon, Giyoung Nam, and...
Younghwan Go. , YoungGyoun Moon, Giyoung Nam, and...
Scheduling Techniques for GPU Architectures with ...
Enabling Programmer-Transparent . Near-Data Proces...
Mobile-Cloud Computing (MCC). MCC. refers to an ....
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