Mappings Data published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
SHM. identifies matching by . incrementally shif...
: Timing- and Touch-Sensitive Record and Replay f...
IVOA . InterOp. Semantics Session. . Trieste . ...
15 A1090 Wien Austria September 9 2011 Abstract W...
de Anthony Karel Seda Department of Mathematics Na...
de Anthony Karel Seda Department of Mathematics Na...
Introduction Takahashi 10 introduced a notion of ...
Calkin Department of Mathematical Sciences Clemso...
Vasileios . Karakostas. , . Jayneel Gandhi. , . F...
Asymptotic Behavior of Parabolic-Type. Semigroups...
Yacov Hel-Or. I.D.C.. Visiting Scholar – Google...
+ + + + + + + = Figure1:Whengivenasetofheadmodelsa...
Lampropoulou. Martha. PhD . candidate. School of...
Bruce Gallop. RAL. + many others. What we need to...
13:. What is Design?. Brad Myers. 05-863 / 08-763...
Duke University. Joint with John . Harer. Jose . ...
Yacov. Hel-Or. The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC...
Auditory Icons and spearcons. Icons. What do we ...
By: . Saurabh. Dixit. What is Grails. Grails is ...
1. Coordinate Transformation. Latitudinal to/from...
Vasileios . Karakostas. , . Jayneel Gandhi. , . F...
CIDOC . CRM. Maria . Theodoridou. , George . Brus...
Bruno Faria. Felipe Miranda Costa. Flávio Monten...
two humans, a monkey, and a robot. are looking ...
and . Self-Service . S. ite Creation. Steve Pesch...
Riva CRM Integration. Aldo Zanoni, CEO. Derek Bond...
Name : D Designation : Associate Professor Depart...
Name DDesignation Associate ProfessorDepartment ...
Unrecognized conceptual misalignment one set of st...
ClinGen. Chris Mungall. Nicole . Vasilevsky. Melis... Pelagia Research...
these trees, grafted components; a combinatorid st...
FastHASH. Hongyi. . Xin. †. . . Donghyuk. L...
By: Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, DCSE, CEG Campus, An...
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