Ligo Data published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Introduction. Initial LIGO and advanced LIGO. Sens...
for the 1. st. Advanced LIGO Science Run. Jordan...
Laser . Interferometer . Gravitational . Wave . Ob...
. May 21, 2010. 13. th. . Eastern Gravity Meeting...
-Style. Peter Couvares. Syracuse . University, LIG...
1 A Brief History of LIGO One hundred years ago, u...
LIGO is an acronym for Laser Interferometer Gravit...
The . IndIGO. Project. Sanjeev. . Dhurandhar....
(TAMA and) LIGO . and KAGRA. Mark Barton. July GW...
Ind. ian . I. nterferometric. . G. ravitational ...
Simeon Bird . (JHU). I. Cholis, J. Munoz, Y. Ali-H...
Gravitational Waves: On the Brink of a New Astrono...
Gabriela . Gonz. ález. Louisiana State University...
Virgo upgrade. Update drilling campaign. Update . ...
LIGO SURF 2016 Final Presentation. August 18, 2016...
an overview. Matthew Pitkin . for the LVC. Univers...
UU Olinda. May 27, 2018. Astronomy is a portal to ...
Barry C Barish. LIGO Laboratory . 1-Sept-2017. 17-...
-12 . cm. A world-shaking discovery. James Clerk M...
Cominsky. Sonoma State University. Proposing a new...
NSF and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational - W...
e In 1916 Albert Einstein published the collision ...
within 10 milliseconds of one another 150 that ind...
1. LIGO-G0900358.. . Rupal. S. . Amin. . GCGW 1...
measurements: . One physicist’s crooked . path ...
. subgroup of . InCommon. Technical Advisory Com...
Gravitational Waves. Prediction. General Relativi...
Avery Miller. Classical Mechanics. 2/1/2016. Over...
Sources and detection . Ravi . kumar. . Kopparap...
Physics 2102. Gabriela Gonz. á. lez. Michelson i...
Dennis Stewart. November. Smu. Modern Physics. 1....
Emanuele. . Berti. , University of . Mississippi...
"for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector ...
. Warren Schappert. TD/SRF. . . Fermilab. Tu...
Aspera Technology Forum. Darmstadt, 13-14 March 20...
John . W. . Conklin . for the GWSIG. University of...
Laura Nuttall, Christophe Collette. , and . David ...
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