Lcsh 650 published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Approximately 33 6090 authority records were in t...
For example the American Revolutionary War can be...
using Open Refine. Daniel Vila-Suero. dvila@fi.up...
Ed O’Neill. OCLC Research. November 5, 2013. AS...
Defining requirements, evaluating applications, a...
Possibilities for music discovery with LCGFT, LCM...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented at the Canadian Library...
Describing Persons and Families. Goals of the Web...
and Sears . Subject Headings. Group 1 - Kari Blaz...
Or, why catalogers don’t seem to think like nor...
Lucas Mak, Lisa Lorenzo, Nicole Smeltekop. Michig...
ATLA Workshop 2014. 1. Workshop Outline. 2. Intro...
Discovering music resources using medium of perfo...
Headings in RDA. Cambridge University Library. Wr...
BCC Town hall, February 27, 2014. Genre and relat...
RDA Chapters 8 . and 9. 2. Module 2. Describing Pe...
What this session will cover. What are subject hea...
. Thomas . Krichel. 2010-11-16. today. Definitions...
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