Laius published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Oedipus the King . Study Guide . How would you ch...
Period 2 English. DD. Citizens begged the king to...
Episode 4. The shepherd arrives who exposed the i...
A Super Short Version. & . His Family Line. B...
12-2 English. Miss Lindner. Where it begins…. B...
The . land. The myths. The stage. The Stage. The ...
:. c.496 BC - c.406 . BC. born in . Colonus. nort...
Oedipus The King. Major Characters. Oedipus. Creo...
Oedipus Rex. Dr. Green. Stages of Fear. Confidenc...
1. What is the priest doing at the beginning of t...
Ms. Bailey. Sophocles. Born in . Colonus. , Greec...
The tragic story behind the tragedy of . Oedipus ...
Colonus. , . Antigone. The story of the cursed Ho...
Ben yusuf . Haley paluszak. Zach ressler . Alec...
Symbol. A . symbol . is an object, action, or eve...
Sisukord. Digitaallaud. Ajalugu. Karakteristikud. ...
Ben Fa, Elizabeth Hoang, Adam Houghtaling, Sovann...
Inquiry Lesson: the Tragedy.
Eric Alvarez. Zabrina. . Calahatian. Nicholas Doa...
Taylor Lindsey. Sophia Jiang...
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