Journals Full published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Nature Publishing Group . COASP. 19. th. Septemb...
Overview. Finding . the right journal and the . M...
Abel L. Packer. SciELO / FAPESP Program, Director...
Brad . Brazzeal. Agriculture, Forest Resources &a...
. Due to diminishing use of print journals, . Al...
Margaret . Vugrin. , MSLS, AHIP, . MPH Candidate ...
the . Quality. of . Scientific. . Journals. ?. ...
Presented by FSS and OSP. For the Financial Manage...
journals, topics and more. Laurent Weill. Universi...
Contact us at: OMI...
American Historical Review. Comparative Studies...
Tips to help you succeed. Jinn P. Chu. (. 朱瑾...
Jeremy M. Weinstein. (on behalf of Experiments in...
Rowena Stewart. Academic Support . Librarian. To ...
OCLC Research Briefing at UNC Chapel Hill. 7 June...
Rhodri Jackson. Senior Publisher, Oxford Open. Ox...
. PubH 8400. December 12, 2012. Manuscript Submi...
These slides complement the article. How journal ...
Roos. Editorial Director. Publishing Scientific R...
5th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishin... Abby Clobridge. Clobridge. Cons...
Making your class something other than an electro...
and . Presenting. Journals . with. Rosetta. Ma...
$30.00 . per year for students with a discount fo...
Amanda . Bielskas. Head of Collection . Developme...
Why We Do It. Lunchtime Talk #1. Office of Schola...
. PubH. . 8403 Presentation. Manuscript Submiss...
Journal Publishing: . A Year in Review. Lise. . ...
Library Resources – Spring 2014. Library Resour...
Oxford University Press (OUP) . 2. Our mission. J...
. H. istorical. . bibliometric. analysis. Ivan...
Traditional. Historical, Legalism, Philosophy, De...
$30.00 . per year for students with a discount fo...
These slides expand the article. How journal rank...
Why & How. Corey Mackenzie, Ph.D., C. Psych. ... This article is p...
in a CRIS . environment. Does. research . evalua...
1- REI Journal. 2- . Organization. of a journal....
Véronique. Kiermer, PhD. Director, Author &...
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