Jlab Rhic published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
27. th. May 2014. Satoshi N Nakamura, . Tohoku U...
Ganapati Myneni. Ingot Niobium Summary Workshop. J...
HPS Collaboration meeting. JLAB, November 18-19, 2...
Electrical Safety Session. 2019 ASW. Harry Fanning...
on Neutron . Single . Target . Spin Asymmetries ...
Lorentz Invariance . using . Compton Scattering. ...
Aharonov. -Bohm, and . Color . Entanglement in Qu...
Elena Long. High Energy Nuclear Physics With . Spe...
plan on SoLID. Jin Huang. Los Alamos National Lab....
Bob Michaels, . JLab. Data Acquisition (DAQ) ...
PARAMETERS. The . experimental apparatus includes ...
Peter . Kneisel. Jefferson Lab. May 19, 2014. Sinc...
Krishna Kumar. Stony Brook University. Chair,. JLa...
Spin Asymmetries and TMDs. Jian. -ping . Chen , Je...
Kurt J. Strosahl. Scientific Computing, Thomas Jef...
T. Reilly. JLab. SRF Facilities in JLab TEDF. Chem...
for Winter 2017-Spring2018 Run:. the whole elephan...
Matthew Burton. The College of William & Mary....
EHS&Q. . Student Liaison. Bob May. Topics. Ex...
Nucleon vs. . Pion. Form Factors. Earlier, focus...
Construction Update. 1. GlueX Collaboration Meeti...
for Measurements of. . G. eneralized . P. arton ...
A brief introduction & our plans. October 14,...
for. . Next Generation . Continuous...
1 2 Welcome to JLab! Thank you for purchasing T h...
Eli Piasetzky. Tel Aviv University, Israel . ...
Health Physics Society, Wikipedia, http://wi...
Bob . McKeown. April . 20. , . 2015. Outline. CEB...
Magnet Measurement Overview. Ken Baggett, . Joe M...
Inclusive measurements at large . x. ; . quark mo...
. . . Robert Michaels. . . ...
Jamie Blowers. LCLS-II EDM/PLM Applications. 31-M...
Heitler. Pair. Production Asymmetries and Positr...
D. Douglas for the . JLab FEL anarcho-syndicalis...
Symmetry Breaking. Craig Roberts. Physics Divisi...
JLab. Harry Fanning, Accelerator Division Safety ...
Ari Palczewski. Jefferson National laboratory. 6/...
DVMP workshop. r. 0. , . w. , . r. . exclusive...
M. Drury for the . JLab. Testing Team. LCLS-II ....
Bradley . Yale. Outline. Motivation for the Heavy...
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