Heu published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
What are fissile materials and how are they made?...
NAS. Research Test Reactors. May 21 , 2015. B&...
Argonne National Laboratory. . Megatons to Megaw...
. Megatons to Megawatts:. An Overview of the U.S. ...
Hydraulic . Analysis of the Low Enriched Uranium (...
scoutingorgpubsgsstochtml httpwwwbsafieldbookorg b...
brPage 1br Merit Badge Workbook HEU XDU brPage 2br...
Motta. Motta. Sampaio. Thiago. Neuro-Breakfast. P...
Reprocessing is tricky. Reprocessing: separating ...
Frameworkfortimingofthediscussionaboutforgoing can...
aids 2016. Goga . AE, . Jackson DJ, . Lombard . C...
John C. Wagner. Nuclear Science and Technology. A...
aids 2016. Goga . AE, . Jackson DJ, . Lombard . C,...
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