Hadrons Partonic published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
This in contrast with muons their momentum is mea...
Model undamentalForces mostpropertiesofmatter Stro...
Dilepton. Production . Gojko. . Vujanovic. . E...
and chemotherapy agents . in human cancer cells c...
2013. Feb. 18-22, . Yonsei. University. 1. Photo...
Kickers and septa. Injection methods. Single-turn...
K. Ozawa (KEK). Contents:. J-PARC & Hadron Fa...
. hadrons. . with. . heavy. . quarks. 17-30. ...
Project Supervisor: Dr. Babar . Qureshi. Project ...
& Excited-State Hadrons. Craig . D. Roberts. ...
of . Ground- . & Excited-State Hadrons. Craig...
André . Sailer. (HU Berlin / CERN). Beam-induce...
Rohit. . Dhir. Department of Physics, . Yonsei. ...
Phenomenology of Vectorlike Confinement. Can Kıl...
of RHIC Paradigms. April 14–17, 2010. The Depar...
Bob . McKeown. April . 20. , . 2015. Outline. CEB...
S. Tarem, S. . Bressler. , S. . Vallecorsa. , E. ...
a. t Jefferson Lab. . R. D. . McKeown. Jefferson...
Gojko. . Vujanovic. Thermal Radiation Workshop ....
BASHIR (U . Michoacan. );. Stan BRODSKY (SLAC);....
Transfer lines: Transverse matching. Single turn ...
Norihito. . Muramatsu. New . Hadron. Workshop, ...
Paul E Reimer. Physics Division. Argonne National ...
Outline. Near term schedule. . (note: will not i...
at . HERA. Luca . Stanco, . INFN-Padova. (. on beh...
at . LHCb. Artur Ukleja. (The . Andrzej. . Sołta...
collisions . at 1.23 . AGeV. 1. Christina Deveaux ...
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