Gluon published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
tion to Dark Matter Direct Detection. Natsumi. N...
For each momentum k we appoint a polarization vec...
3-Jet events at DELPHI Speaker: Roman HennigSuperv...
Collective Phenomena in Classical QCD. Rainer . J...
. 1. W. 1. + . 2. W. 2. + . 3. W. 3....
. to . the dark matter direct detection. W. e . ...
Travis Salzillo. 1,2. , Rainer Fries. 1. , Guangy...
Neutron Star Matter. Anaximenes concept of elemen...
Travis Salzillo. 1,2. , Rainer Fries. 1. , Guangy...
tion to Dark Matter Direct Detection. Natsumi. N...
Paul Pryor and Michael Byrd. December 8, 2010. O...
Gurbinder. Gill Loc Hoang. Hoa...
Akio Ogawa . for the STAR collaboration. Brookhave...
Yuri . Kovchegov. The Ohio State University. based...
J.Feltesse DAPNIA-SPP, CE-Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yve...
Hsiang-nan Li. Oct. 21, 2012. 1. Outlines . Jet in...
2Heavy ion reactions dependence of multiplicit...
Lecture 2 . Lance Dixon . Academic Training Lectu...
in matrix model and other effective models. Kouji...
ultraperipheral. . collisions at ALICE. Evgeny. ...
. Recontres. De . Moriond. QCD and High Energy...
Ayana Arce. for the ATLAS collaboration. BOOST 20...
Yuri Kovchegov. The Ohio State University. Outlin...
Classical Gluon Fields. Rainer . J. Fries. Texas ...
Interaction, . Quarks + Gluons. Quark . Model. Pa...
CLAS and CLAS11. Paul Stoler-RPI. Measure . elect...
Aharonov. -Bohm, and . Color . Entanglement in Qu...
interesting ?. Interaction of heavy quarks with t...
& Continuum QCD. Adnan. BASHIR (U . Michoaca...
- From RHIC to LHC. Andr. é. . Mischke. Utrecht...
Pavel Nadolsky. 2017-03-29. P. . Nadolsky. , . Mo...
PlasMA. Nonequilibrium. Dynamics. in Astrophysic...
Inclusive measurements at large . x. ; . quark mo...
Peter Jacobs. Lawrence Berkeley National Laborato...
Marzia . Nardi. INFN Torino (Italy). nardi@to.inf...
BASHIR (U . Michoacan. );. Stan BRODSKY (SLAC);....
Zilong. Chang. For. Collaboration. STAR. Outline...
. The decay rate. . Lorentz Invariant Phase S...
Dathathri. . Loc. Hoang. Andrew . Lenharth. Ke...
Thomas K Hemmick. Stony Brook University. Outline...
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