Gaze Male published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Task:. Analyse and annotate this poster to show h...
unwanted . or . objectifying . gaze upon an image...
Lacan. Jacques . Lacan. Anxious . state that come...
Fashion. 1.Why we love to gaze and be gazed ?. 2....
Lynne McDowell. Catch me in Your gaze . Oh God. N...
Sara Dalzel-Job. O. verview. Gaze and mutual gaze...
Kiwon Yun. 1. , . Yifan. Peng. 1. Dimitris. Sam...
Selecting information from visual scenes. What co...
admiring . my suit.”. Admiring . - to look up t...
INTRODUCTION. The control of eye movement has thr...
Recommender. Systems . Qian. . Zhao. , . Shuo. ...
, First Edition. Edited by Jack Sidnell and Tanya ...
Learning from Simulation. Jia-Bin Huang. 1. , . Qi...
The relationship between the two characters in . ...
The representation of women in Media. Feminism, v...
wherebymeaning emerges and a subject-position is c...
They stop sperm meeting an egg 57347QEPI57347GSRH...
Now transfer your gaze to the river bank and you ...
Facts EyeSeeCam HeadCam The gaze-driven head-mount...
Knives Knives gaze trying to gage whether a kiss i...
“To Peep”. “Look through a narrow opening i...
By . Jon J. . Muth. g. uests. Guests or people wh...
: The Spatial Gaze. “Gaze” is the act of seei...
Setup allows the study and understanding of many ...
, Andreas Dengel, Ludger van Elst. German Researc...
o. bstacles and targets. Subjects follow the path...
Gaze. in the Natural World.. Selecting informatio...
Jason Rubinstein. With Eileen Kowler, Nick Ross, ...
Facts EyeSeeCam HeadCam The gaze-driven head-mount...
Torsten. . Jachmann. 16.12.2013. Herbert H. Clar...
MDS-PAS School For Young Neurologist. Atlanta, GA...
Studying . the Gaze Events of Dyslexic Adults. Mo...
transection. Saurabh. Jain. 1. , . Radhika. Ram...
(After video is recorded). Open Be Gaze. Click on...
Leanne Chukoskie, Ph.D.. Two classes of eye movem...
Transfer the streams to an eye-tracking applicati...
Jakub Šimko. , Mária Bieliková. j. akub.simko....
Atlanta, GA, USA. 2015. Case 1. Case 1. Male 78 y...
. EYE-GAZE . COMMUNICATION. (Eye gaze human compu...
Results. Experiment Setup. Previous Work. Introduc...
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