Fermions Bosons published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Floquet. Driven Optical Lattices," T.A. . Sedrak...
Brown–Twiss effect for. bosons and fermions. Guy...
Some reference papers. A. . Bashir, Ma. . de . Je...
. with Type-II. Nambu. -Goldstone Boson. . Base...
Gritsev Lecture notes for AP295b NovDec 2007 Cont...
Princeton University. Princeton Plasma Physics La...
why do fermions obey Pauli Exclusion, but bosons ...
z. -component angular momentum. The . z. -compone...
parity-breaking . Weyl. semimetals. Pavel. . Bu...
F. ermionic. and . Bosonic. Topological Insulat...
. physics. with. ultracold . fermions. Selim . ...
Intrinsic parities of fermions and bosons. Intrin...
Intrinsic parities of fermions and bosons. Intrin...
. Occupation. Numbers. Christian . Schilling. ETH...
Model undamentalForces mostpropertiesofmatter Stro...
(s). Why do we need them?. What do they look like...
Subroto. . Mukerjee. Department of Physics . Ind...
. Jiří Hošek. . Department . of. ...
s. -boson. 2. +. . d. -boson. Valence nucleons ...
(s). Why do we need them?. What do they look like...
2014. Overview. Review of the Standard Model and ...
Results primarily from correlations among valence...
. spin . ½ Higgs. -. related particles, mass ~ ...
: . How to deal with terms of dubious reference ....
Hananeh. . Saghiha. Standard model. 12 fermions....
Kei . Yagyu. . (National Central U). M. Aoki, S...
in . the Higgs sector of the . Georgi-Machacek. ...
Draft . 5: 2/1/2011. Types . of Matter & . En...
It’s good to talk to each other. Symmetry and q...
PHYS 3446, Fall 2016. 1. PHYS 3446 – Lecture #2...
1. PHYS 3446 – Lecture #23. Monday. , . Nov. 28...
Highlights. Inner silicon detector, 700,000 chann...
Optical . Lattices – . Unconventional BEC and I...
Z. -peaked excess. Vasiliki A. . Mitsou. IFIC – ...
1. Spontaneous symmetry breaking. in gauge theorie...
from. the . high. . energy. . universe. Denis ....
Bogoliubov de Gennes Theory 2 Majorana bound stat...
2003 In this paper we investigate the general pro...
. of. . Fermionic. . Occupation. Numbers. Chr...
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