Exoplanet published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Exoplanet Exploration Program. Overview. Gary . Bl...
Organization Chart. . 326. Program Science Office...
Imaging Science with the WFIRST Coronagraph. AAS...
Imaging Coronagraph: . ExoPIC. Macintosh, . Trau...
Exoplanets. Jake D. Turner. University of Virgini...
Burke F Mullally Daniel Huber 1 SETI Institut...
only 2 50-day observing windows per year. The bul...
David . Bennett. University of Notre Dame. WFIRST...
Figure of Merit . David . Bennett. University of ...
Transits and SONG. Angelle . Tanner. . The Tran...
Formation of Solar Systems. Observational Evidenc...
. . Victoria Meadows, Eddie . Sch...
Extrasolar. Planets at High Contrast. Thayne Cur...
Atmospheres in the Super-Earth Era. Heather Knut...
. F.Pedichini. 2. , J.Farinato. 1. , E.Pinna. 3....
For . New Planets. Matthew Livas. mlivas@terpmail...
Exoplanets. Norio Narita (NAOJ). Transit of Venus...
Measurement Method. Aparna. Bhattacharya. NASA G...
Yosuke Minowa. Naruhisa. . Takato. , . Ikuru. I...
Of 2010. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/1...
Transiting Exoplanets. Dainis Dravins. 1. , . Han...
plasmons. and measurements of exoplanet atmosphe...
By Ben . Waxer. Habitable Zone. Aka Goldilocks' Zo...
Chairs: . Dimitri. . Mawet. (Caltech) and . Rebe...
Alien worlds have long been a staple of science fi...
With the discovery of planets beyond our solar sys...
Planet Formation . – from Dust to Planets. Novem...
Dale E. Gary. New Jersey Institute of Technology. ...
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