Eudat Metadata published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Johannes . Reetz. , EUDAT. VAMP workshop. Helsinki...
EUDAT: A truly pan-European Infrastructure. EUDAT...
EUDAT: A truly pan-European Infrastructure. EUDAT...
Examples: DOBES and CLARIN. Peter Wittenburg. Max ...
Data . Preservation. team:. Claudio Cacciari (. C...
Force. DAITF Preparation Group. status report . Da...
B2HANDLE. 2. FAIR Digital Objects, PIDs and B2HAND...
4 Date December 3 201 EMA Content Availability Me...
You Can Use. For. DAMA Chicago. Bob Dein. Metadat...
Cataloger. LIS Section, MASAL 2014. Michael E. Un...
Component Metadata and intermediate solutions. Da...
. Belarus. , . Russia and. Kazakhstan. Miroslava...
draft-. ietf. -cdni-metadata-00. Ben Niven-Jenkin...
A Business Perspective. Wendy Thomas – Minnesot...
Jenn Riley. Metadata Librarian. Indiana Universit...
- as far as we understand it -. Peter . Wittenbur...
Learning for TAR. Amanda Jones Marzieh...
Marjorie M K Hlava, President. Access Innovations...
Dr . Lex. Comber . Acknowledgeme...
Steve Donegan/Sam Pepler. Overview. CEDA Metadata...
A Business Perspective. Wendy Thomas – Minnesot...
Thorsten Trippel. , Claus . Zinn. LDL 2016 Worksh...
CLARIN Component Metadata Infrastructure. Daan Br...
. Combining Content and Metadata. Libby . Herten...
Goals: . shared understanding of metadata purpose...
m. Simon Flower. Jürgen Matzka. Geomagnetic Obse...
ALCTS Heads of Cataloging IG. January 23, 2012. J...
Bruce J. Evans: . ALCTS Cataloging Competencies T...
Intelligent Learning Object Guide (iLOG). S.A. . ...
Overview. CEDA Metadata Catalogue. Generating Met...
Lee Richardson. Health Sciences Library. Universi...
Prof Keith G Jeffery. k. eith.jeffery@keithgjeffe...
David Haynes. City University London. Metadata fo...
LBSC 770. Bibliographic Control. Two Ways of Sear...
Joanne Evans and . Mirna. . Willer. Agenda. Intr...
Standard. Draft proposed by metadata . workgroup....
Working Group . Report at OCLCRLP Update, ARLIS/N...
A Business Perspective. Wendy Thomas – Minnesot...
CIO Council Update. June 12, 2017. Monday. 3:15pm...
Joanne Evans and . Mirna. . Willer. Agenda. Intr...
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