Egi published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Director, 1. EGI Sus... . Researc...
grid. di produzione italiana. Riunione. . CCR, 1...
David Wallom. Chair, EGI Federated Cloud. Outline....
Peter Solagna – EGI Foundation. 10. th. FIM4R W...
Lukasz Dutka. Before we start. Onedata. s. oftware...
Research Engagement in EGI . Gergely Sipos. gergel...
aspects and approaches. Fotis. E. . Psomopoulos. ...
models and role in . HNX. Sergio Andreozzi . Strat...
Strategic Goals. Michel Drescher. Technical Manage...
EGI . FedCloud. Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI . FedCloud. ...
EGI-ACE Security Coordination. David Kelsey (UKRI/...
Steven Newhouse. Director. EGI Global Task ...
towards differentiated assurance levels – but f...
SHA-2. Status and plans. Peter Solagna – . EGI....
Science Gateways Initiative. Delivering . Science...
SHA-2. Status and plans. Peter Solagna – . EGI....
EGI/WLCG Security Policies. David Kelsey (STFC-RAL...
Desktop. . Grid. . Federation. : status . report...
UK HEP SYSMAN – 3 June 2014. Dashboard. Changes ...
Department of Chemistry. University of Florence. r...
21-10-2021. Service Owner: . Lukasz . Dutka. (. l...
Steve Brewer, Chief Community Officer, ste...
Integrated Management System and Certification. Ma...
Dissemination and exploitation plan, KPIs and next...
European Grid Infrastructure . Established solutio...
We propose a software router architecture that pa...
Step 1 Tell us about yourself and your employment...
S M T W T F S S M T W T F S AUGUST 2014 Holida y f...
• Th etna h •ha ato •c...
S M T W T F S S M T W T F S AUGUST 2014 Holida y f...
(Security). Ian Neilson. GridPP. Security Office...
EGI - favourably evaluated Amsterdam, 15 January 2...
A synopsis is a summary. In Latin class, when we ...
The reviewers endorse the proposed changes to the...
Status and Plans . APEL Team. John Gordon. Outlin...
BHS AOA/CYF Providers’ Monthly Meeting held in ...
Markus Schulz. IT/SDC. Landscape after EMI. Summar...
th. Dec . 2016, CERTH-INAB . EGI Federated Clou...
Tuesday, May 20. Helsinki, . Findland. Usecase. 2...
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