Divertor Nde published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
V. A. Soukhanovskii (LLNL). Acknowledgements: . N...
G. . Mazzone. a. *, . J-H. . You. b. , . C. . Bach...
V. A. Soukhanovskii . Lawrence Livermore National...
B. H. Mills, and J. D. Rader. G. W. Woodruff Scho...
Vacuum ultraviolet and Ultraviolet Spectrometers ...
Hunter Kenyon, Giovanni Maronati, Kumar Singh. In...
Jake Blanchard. University of Wisconsin – Madis...
1. , M.L. Reinke. 2. , V. . . Soukhanovskii. 3. ,...
eV. range where GROSS sputtering yield of tungst...
Maxwellian. effects and intense . divertor. str...
Introducing Anisotropic . Ion . Temperatures and V...
Overview of NSTX-U Research Program Progress and P...
divertor. code and analysis of detached . diverto...
Bhat. , . Gandhinagar. ADITYA . Upgradation. with...
S Pitcher a C J Boswell J A Goetz B LaBombard B L...
L Adams X Bonnin JL Terry AYu Pigarov HA Scott a...
D. A. Baver, J. R. Myra. Lodestar Research Corpor...
Dara . Navaei. , Siegfried Malang, . Xueren. Wan...
Seung. Bo . Shim. a. , Jin-Woo . Park. b. , . Hy...
Dara . Navaei. , Siegfried Malang, . Xueren. Wan...
SiC. -. Composite. Divertor. . X.R. Wang. 1. , ...
N. . Fedorczak. , . P. . Monier-Garbet. , T. Püt...
plasma temperature in the ~ 10 . eV. range wher...
SiC. -. Composite. Divertor. . X.R. Wang. 1. , ...
Joe Milnes. For the MAST Upgrade Team. Culham. C...
the Czech Republic. Radomir Panek. Institute of P...
Configuration Design of the Fusion . Power Core ....
Hvasta. , H. . Ji. , E. . Kolemen. ,. T. . Kozub...
. . Y. Takeiri. . for LHD Experiment Group. N...
X.R. Wang, M. S. Tillack, . S. . Malang,. C. . Ko...
for NSTX-U. W.M. Davis. G. J. Tchilinguirian, . T...
Hvasta. , H. . Ji. , E. . Kolemen. ,. T. . Kozub...
M. S. Tillack. and the ARIES Team. Japan-US Works...
Radomir Panek. Institute of Plasma Physics, ASCR,...
Hartmut . Zohm. . for the ASDEX Upgrade /EUROfus...
Power Plant Physics and Technology. Outline. Backg...
by. Zeke Unterberg. Presented to. FES Fusion Mater...
Innovative Physics and Technology Solutions for *...
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