Desy 2019 published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Information Retrieval. Got a question concerning ...
(mini) Trigger/Timing Logic Unit. (mini TLU). Int...
st. Meeting. o. f the DESY PRC. April 28-29, 201... 8 ...
Whatever the royal tutors taught her she mastered...
(a personal selection). 1. Konrad Elsener, CLICdp...
Petal schedule . is far . behind . stave schedule...
UPO May 3 2013. Didier . Contardo. , Jeff Spaldi...
Berlin/. Zeuthen. ;. . May 2010. Dainis Dravin...
,. Fermilab. . (on behalf of the team: N. . Sol...
Michael Pekeler. RI Research Instruments GmbH. Fr...
P. Colas. Situation: on vient de tester la chaine...
Example: Waveguide for 1 GHz . rf. system for th...
Halo . Monitoring. = Very High Dynamic Beam Profi...
Eko. . Pambudi. Muhimmatul. . Ifadah. Riskiyah. ...
IFIC, Valencia Oct. 2010. . I. Vila IFCA (CS...
Ganapati Myneni. Ingot Niobium Summary Workshop. J...
Ralph Assmann. A. pproval of Agenda. Approval of M...
Seminar M. DESY, 09.01.2015. EMV in großen Anlage...
MHz line rate . Bernd Steffen. July. 2016. Electr...
Storage. Mihai Patrascoiu. CERN IT - Storage. 1. 1...
1. M.Klein HERA & p Structure 12.5.2009. Max K...
Modern Physics. Thomas Naumann Deutsches E...
at . DESY . and prospects . for . future light-shi...
Axel Lindner . DESY . Any Light Particle Search II...
Oracle Datenbase & Oracle - APEX. Christine Ap...
CEA/IRFU Team. Alban . Mosnier (WP2 Leader). Accel...
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