Dbpedia User published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Data Citation and Linked Open Data. Paul Groth @....
Real-Time Exploitation of Linked Data. University...
Querying. . the. Web . of. Data . with. SPARQL...
자동 스키마 . 진화를 . 위한 방법. 14.0...
University at Buffalo. August 11-12, 2012. Goal a...
. to. . Linked. Data. Marko . Grobelnik. , . A...
: . From . Structured Summaries to Integrated Kno...
Datatypes. in . RDF . and . SPARQL. Maxime Lefran...
Gluing resources across . the web of . data. Terr...
Denis Krompaß. 1. , Xueyan Jiang. 1. ,Maximilia...
Redland . Rasqal. RDF Query Demonstration. http:...
Bourgonje. , . Julian . Moreno-Schneider, Jan Neh...
Managing Serials Data as a Community: Partnering...
in . Applications . Dr. Michael . Hausenblas and D...
DBpedia YAGO Wikidata OpenCyc NELL Version 2016-04...
ScAi Lab, CSD, UCLA. May 2014. Immense Knowledge F...
Groups. Meeting of the Group of Experts on Busines...
Ivan Herman, W3C,. “Semantic Café”, organized...
Denis Krompaß. 1. , Maximilian Nickel. 2. and Vo...
for . Automatically Extracted Sentiment Lexicons. ...
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