Contoso Role published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Fiscal Year Highlights. Human Resources. 2. Conto...
Fiscal Year Highlights. Human Resources. 2. Conto...
Fiscal Year Highlights. Human Resources. 2. Conto...
Part . 2 . of 2. Greg Cusanza. Senior Program Man...
Vijay Tinnanur & Jonathan Tuliani. Azure Netw...
Program Manager. Microsoft. Connectors and email ...
Managing . Your Cloud Applications . in . the New...
Programs . Be first . in line. !. Exchange & ...
Khushru. . Irani. Program Manager. Transport Tea...
Paul Tischhauser. Program Manager. Microsoft. UNC...
. - Deep Dive. Fabian Uhse. background and intro...
Ronil Dhruva (Program Manager. ). Timothy Heeney ...
Meir . Mendelovich. Program Manager, Microsoft. @...
Microsoft. Get over the hurdles - Upgrade and Mig...
Part . 2 . of 2. Greg Cusanza. Senior Program Man...
Microsoft Services. Troubleshooting Hybrid . Mail...
“..taking you over the Edge”. Steve Moore. Ma...
Paul Brombley. Senior Consultant. Microsoft Corpo...
The ActiveDirectory Module 2008R2 and 2012 Wr...
. Principal Premier Field . Engineer. Rafiq . El...
Vittorio Bertocci. @. vib...
Scott Schnoll. Micro...
Bert Jansen. Senior Consultant. Microsoft. Vesa J...
365. Brian Reid – C7 Solutions Ltd. OFC-B350. W...
cloud applications . with Windows Azure Active Di...
Product Lead, Bing APIs. Build with Bing. Use Bin...
Khushru. . Irani. Program Manager. Transport Tea...
Christopher Wallick. Communications Architect . E...
Windows CardSpace "Geneva" Under the Hood. Ri...
2013 . Cem Aykan, PMG. Frank Danielsen, Search CO...
Director – Product Research and Innovation. KEM...
Ralf Wigand . SIA402. R...
Title: Lync Technical Architect. Email: . Byrons@...
Vesa Juvonen. Principal Consultant. Microsoft. Bu...
Eyal Doron - . senior technical support – Offic...
Venkat. . Ayyadevara. Christophe Fiessinger . Sa...
Josh Stickler Kate Kelly. Program Manager Progra...
#InnovateIT. Designing identity solutions with Az...
Organizations. Enrique Saggese. Sr. Program Manag...
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