Cmip5 published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Didier Swingedouw & Giovanni . Sgubin. Can we...
Shaffrey. NCAS-Climate, University of Reading. Ti...
Can decadal prediction anticipate events such as ...
Columbia University. Analysis of 20. th. Century...
Intercomparison. Project. Sarah Callaghan: Briti...
The set of 16 initialized CMIP5 models is analyze...
Sea Ice . in CMIP5 Climate Model Simulations. . X...
how to process (visualise, analyse, etc) the data:...
Doug Smith, Martin Andrews, Ben Booth, Nick Dunst...
C. hanging Climate. CLIVAR Research Focus Group. ...
A set of 16 climate models from the CMIP5 initial...
All 262 ensemble members from uninitialized CMIP5...
C. louds and TOA Radiation . B. udgets in the SML...
1. Introduction. The . lowest few kilometers ...
Interannual. -to-Decadal Predictions Experiments....
変化. 気象研究所気候研究部. 川合秀...
Axel Lauer, . Mattia . Righi, Veronika Eyring, and...
What have we learned from observations and CMIP5 s...
Southern Oscillation on Indian Summer Monsoon. ....
in CMIP5 GCM projections. . for the British . Isl...
relative humidity as a critical variable. Daniel J...
we. get from . climate. . models. . with. . hi...
Shuaiqi Tang. Pacific Northwest National Laborator...
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